Being an avid CorelDraw user for many years now, I have been won over by (Gary) GW Priester & (Richard) RAMWolff who feature heavily on this great site. I hope to be in possession of Xara X sometime this week.

Q. Are Xara X and Xara 3D two different packages that need to be bought, or does Xara 3D come with Xara X in the same way that Corel PhotPaint comes with CorelDraw ?

I know what will happen when I get into Xara X and want to attempt some of the great 3D creations I see in the Galleries.

I am sure Richard (RAMWolff) wont be able to hold his tongue..... LOL Go ahead, I'm all ears.

Ashley S H

**Purple is Bliss and Bliss is Hawaii**

[This message was edited by Ashley S H on April 07, 2003 at 04:33.]