Greetings Xarians!
I once posted a message with this very same subject line... I am back to the issue, this time, with a suggestion mostly directed to those who do programming... (then maybe not, as source code seems to be protected for XaraX' graphics engine...) But then maybe Gary could get to the XaraX team and request this from them?
I use XaraX most of the time and the fact that there is no viewer / file organizer in XaraX just drives me nuts!
I would love to see XaraX get the same functionality that PSP has, or filemanagers and viewrs have: thumbnailing a whole folder... Going thorugh hundreds even thousands of files one at the time, with that tiny window XaraX offers... is nuts!...
Well, the XaraX team doesn't take action... maybe Dircetory OPUS could help and come to the rescue!... This is the PC's best file manager available these days! And it will be around years down the line... Also, it has a great advantage: it accepts plugins so people can create file viewers!... If you go to may you'll find the Full Viewer Plug-in SDK there...
Anyone willing to try? Free is nice, of course, but I would gladly pay for this plugin as it would save me TIME!...
As this may not work for outsiders, Gary, do you think you could ask the guys at XaraX to help out here?!... Or am I the only person feeling that this is a problem?
Many thanks!