
Sorry for the delay in answering, I've been very busy recently.

Can you post a small section of the text file to this board, or email me a sample (profile email address is valid). I'll see if I can spot where the problem is.

The important part of the file is the first few lines that define the fields in use (which are also defined in the drawing) followed by the data to be inserted, one data line for each of the fields in order.

Ansi text should work, but I have used Notepad in the past to create my merge files.

There is a bug in Draw 9, if you are testing the output using the print dialogue with the preview window open on the right of it. But this occurs after the file has been imported, it sounds like there is an error in the format of the TXT file.

Have you looked at the text file in Notepad to see if it roughly matches the example in the help file?

There may be a setting in WP9 that is including extra bits.


It is not clear from my draw help files, but the artistic text in the drawing should not be encapsulated by \'s, it should match exactly (case, spacing) the first lines in the text file that are between the \'s



The style challenged Pete'sCrypt

[This message was edited by Peter Clifton on April 24, 2002 at 07:28.]