Hey Gare,

Victory was rendered the way that you see it using Cinema4DXL, including the glow effect , the burning cable and the "sun burst". Photoshop was used to help create some of the textures and to lighten the image a bit because most of the viewers of the image will be Windows users. The difference in gamma between Mac and Windows can be a problem when trying to present the best looking product. And the majority of internet users are using Windows machines.

Now the character himself. He was built in Cinema4DXL more than a year ago, then shoved into the closet. I suddenly had no use for him until this fall. In Victoy once the character was posed, got the hands to wrap around the sword, skull etc., he was duplicated. The first version was to be the metal wire-frame, the second was going to give the "tiled" look. In order to depict a metal frame I used a plugin by Paul Everett called ToWire ( http://www.bookwoodarts.de/pe/ ) To keep the character from looking like a sieve, as he did in my last post "Decay" I'd left the HyperNurbs deactivated. This gave our hero a larger, more rugged looking frame. Adding a rusted metal texture brought this to life.

The second version of the character was given a concrete texture that was modified by adding a star field (Cinema texture option) to the alpha channel. To give the missing tile look, I began to eliminate individual polygons, literally tearing holes into the arms, legs and torso. Test renders were done until I was happy with the balance between metal frame and missing tiles. Again HyperNurbs was deactivated for the second version of the model in order to keep the tiles and texture jagged looking.

Hmmmmm...I think that about covers the basics.

Very best to you all,

Ron Pfister