Long time ago - 20 years or more - I've watched a horrifying movie: humans who were supposed to die in a range between 1 and 3 months had to move to a certain hospital. They could decide to spend the rest of their days in the 'traditional' way or to enhance their last days with 'daydreams'.

All of them went for the daydreams, got cabled and connected to a hughe computer. So when they started thinking about traveling to see the mountains, the beaches, the rolling hills, deep sea the machine reacted in real time and presented the movies on a hughe display in their rooms - almost the size of one wall.

However, those movies have been computer generated scenes, far from reality, just beautiful scenery.

The people watched those movies addictively until they died and... well, let's stop here, the rest is even more cruel.

Today, 20 years later, I've visited the Vue d'Esprit site gallery at (http://www.e-onsoftware.com/Gallery/Gallery.php?Index=0)

The first thought was: illusion or reality? Then I remembered the movie. Conclusion: today it **is** possible to put this scenario into action. The only thing that's still missing is the direct link between the computer and the brain.

A nightmare.


jens g.r. benthien

If you don't know how to dream you'll never be a designer.