I think you should be the one to decide Randy. You should choose the one you feel you've done the best work with. I think you'll choose the right one. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]
Both of them are very well done though i think.

Either way you choose though Randy, here's a quick-tip i've discovered, to help with that problem Gary pointed out - i.e. the pinewood doors showing a repeated wood grain pattern.

In this type of situation, it works well if you simply either Group or weld the 2 (or more) shapes together (once they been 'posed'). That will make the program apply the texture image to both doors as if they were one object. In most cases, this can help to hide the repetitiveness of smaller textures.

Also... for doors like those, i'd more than likely use a texture that hasn't got a 'knot' in the wood pattern. That's the first thing *i'd* tend too. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]