I work just like everyone else on this forum. Perhaps more than 12 hours a day, at least 5 days a week earning my bread as an author. The bottom has fallen out of the application book market, so I've taken on writing web chapters for Pearson, and writing school textbooks to make up the difference.

And yet I'm here on the forum every day, and if I hadn't promised everyone that I's stay out of the creative and modeling process, *I* would have half the collaboration image done by now.

What's going on, folks? Out of all the TalkGraphics forums, ours is the most in-depth. The others feature "hit and run" graphics advice...but not a lot of background, meaty material like we do.

Has interest waned so badly for whatever reasons that we, as a group, don't have the energy to devote a little "ooomph" to the collaboration?

Are we a bunch of tired, old, easily distracted, has-beens before we've begun?

I'm pissed, because I thought a collaboration would help bind us as a forum. But the most active thread right now is a word game (admittedly, one in which I participate).

Shall we go back to posting pictures of,"Golly, look what I did today.?", and referrals to upgrades? Hey, there's nothing wrong with that...it's just that I think...no, I KNOW, we can do better than that. I mean, shit--Stu is desperately ill and yet he emailed me a bunch of crayons to use in the background of the collaboration. Do any of us have as critical excuses for setting back?

So do we, as Wayne intimated, pull the plug on the patient?

Really confused with this group as a whole,

Gary David Bouton
Free education! The Writings Web site
and the updated GaryWorld Gallery is pretty okay, too.

[This message was edited by Gary David Bouton on October 15, 2001 at 11:38.]