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  1. Re: Animated Menu - Hyperlinks are not clickable on Apple devices

    In order to see my example you need to be viewing on an iphone 5s. The variant is 450px wide.
    It's alright. I'll give up on this. But Egg if you can send me a custom made drop down menu that works...
  2. Re: Animated Menu - Hyperlinks are not clickable on Apple devices

    The links in the drop down are visible. But on an iphone they don't work. Here is the example
  3. Re: Animated Menu - Hyperlinks are not clickable on Apple devices

    I'll for go the animation effect for now. No matter what I do I cannot get links to to open properly when viewed on the ipad or iphone.

    I played with the links a bit and got it to work on a blank...
  4. Animated Menu - Hyperlinks are not clickable on Apple devices

    Does anyone know of a way to make this menu work on apple devices like ipad and iphone?
    I've attached an example file

    Ideally I want the one tap to close out the drop down menu to remain.
  5. Replies

    Re: customizing font size in responsive nav dropdown

    Thank you Egg Bramhill for the work you put into solving this. It's nice to know Xara gives web designers the ability to create customized menus that work on mobile devices.
  6. Replies

    Re: customizing font size in responsive nav dropdown

    Thank you Mikey Mopar. I appreciate the time you spent helping me. One of these times we may stumble on a way to make this drop down close on ipad or iphone devices. :)
  7. Drop Down Menu does not close when tapped on iphone and ipad

    I applied the simple drop down navigation menu for my phone and tablet variants the but the drop down does not close when tapped on the iphone or ipad. Does anyone know of a way to make drop down...
  8. Replies

    Re: customizing font size in responsive nav dropdown

    Hi Ben. I made a sample file of the drop menu i"m looking to make changes on.

    See attached
  9. Replies

    Re: customizing font size in responsive nav dropdown

    Thanks Mikey Mopar.

    I'll give that a try for sure. Also I noticed google chrome on the ipad and iphones does not have a close menu automatically ability. Is there a work around for this as well?
  10. Replies

    Re: customizing font size in responsive nav dropdown

    Thanks Ben,

    I'll upload a .web file as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your gererosity of knowledge and time.
  11. Replies

    Re: customizing font size in responsive nav dropdown

    Thanks Ben. Could you please give me a simple example (change font size to 35) of how to add extra code into the head section? Sorry to burden you. I just can't find any examples of this online.
  12. Replies

    Re: customizing font size in responsive nav dropdown

    Thank you Egg,

    I tried setting the font past 28 and it wont accept the changes. Is this not a restriction on font sizes or am I doing something wrong? I'm using xara web designer 10 premium. Any...
  13. Replies

    customizing font size in responsive nav dropdown

    Hi. I noticed the font size of the responsive nav bar drop down has a maximum size of 18.
    Can this be increased possibly using css? If so where would I insert the custom css?
  14. Replies

    Re: importing online svg graphics into xara designer

    Hey Gary. I'm always learning new stuff as well

    I replied to your grooved dividers for menus comment re using the color editor

    I also added a suggestion that could benefit the Xara community
  15. Replies

    importing online svg graphics into xara designer

    Some of you may already be familiar with this tip but I'll share it briefly.

    Many corporate logos are on Wikipedia.

    Google search the name of logo followed by .svg

    ie. cocoa-cola.svg

  16. Re: How to create grooved style divider between menu buttons

    Hi Gary. Good idea. I originally tried this method of editing colors and just didn't post it in the instructions. It works well. Very versatile.

    On another note, Have you thought about having a...
  17. Re: How to create grooved style divider between menu buttons

    Sorry Frank, I'm very new to Xara Web Designer. I'm not familiar with named colors. I'm sure there are better ways to do achieve this. I just did what seemed to be the quickest way still keeping the...
  18. Re: How to create grooved style divider between menu buttons

    No, your right Gary. It's just a grooved divider and background to create a menu. But it's all done in vector so it can be easily edited. colors, gradients, etc.
    I've never come across a fully...
  19. Replies

    Re: setting mobile as the default variant

    Thanks Gary. I'll give that a try. I made a vector css style .menu bg with the grooved divider. ...
  20. How to create grooved style divider between menu buttons

    Hi. I found a way to make these in Xara. Attached is a sample

    Thanks for all your input Gary, Acorn and others.
  21. Replies

    setting mobile as the default variant

    Hi. My website has 2 variants Main and Mobile. When I try to create a new smaller resolution variant it creates all the content from the Main variant.
    Since the mobile design has already been...
  22. Replies

    Re: customized shared variant text or objects

    Thanks Gary. I'll keep that in mind.
  23. Replies

    re: customized shared variant text or objects

    Hi. I'm using WD 10 Premium.

    I read in this forum in order to customize shared variant text or objects in just one variant you use the middle control handles to resize.

    I've tried that and it...
  24. Replies

    Re: creating space above header logo

    Thanks Gary for your reply. This method doesn't seem to be working with a responsive template from the designs gallery. Have you tried this code snippet on one before? The one I'm using is Website...
  25. Replies

    Re: creating space above header logo

    Thanks for your reply Acorn. I'm working on an existing website theme from the design gallery so we'll see how things go.
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