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  1. Re: Relationship: It's complicated.... Embedding inside a frame + other issues.

    I found at "overstack" where I can change the css to stick the footer to the bottom of the page, but this doesn't help my page layers problem.. I am going to try adding placeholders for the <header>...
  2. Relationship: It's complicated.... Embedding inside a frame + other issues.

    I am trying to create a website for my son's college club sport.. the college is into some sort of "Affirmative Action" so that one web page is not better than another.. so we have to go through...
  3. Replies

    Re: Flash reload on press....?

    I fixed it :cool:

    In the Flash program I turned all my objects and transitions into Sprites. Works perfectly now.
  4. Replies

    Flash reload on press....?

    In the website I am making with Xtreme I have regular Buttons with MouseOver effect and when clicked loads a .swf file into an invisible container.
    Each Button has a seperate layer "Button_!,...
Results 1 to 4 of 4