Worth a try, but in V6 at least, exporting and replacing a previous html file will recreate new image content in the html_files folder (based on what's visible in the Xara document) and delete all...
Type: Posts; User: Xhris; Keyword(s):
Worth a try, but in V6 at least, exporting and replacing a previous html file will recreate new image content in the html_files folder (based on what's visible in the Xara document) and delete all...
Hi. Are you referring to the size of the native .xar file or the size of the exported website? If you're referring to the website size, then I have a video detailing site optimisation techniques...
Hi Antomium. There are some advanced layer controls available which allow multiple layers to be opened and closed with one click. I'm not sure if this is what you are wanting, but if it is, I've...