I have run across another question, which is related to one of the global settings of my site: having a 19" monitor, I decided to make the page fit into my screen
(I'm using a Windows 7 with a...
Type: Posts; User: Antonium; Keyword(s):
I have run across another question, which is related to one of the global settings of my site: having a 19" monitor, I decided to make the page fit into my screen
(I'm using a Windows 7 with a...
Yap.....I have found while Xara Web Document weights around 3.76 MB, the saved Internet page is only 36.1 KB. Now I'm not scared abymore if Xara Document Save File doesn't get empty (and lose it's...
Thank you Xhris, your tutorial was very helpful.
I don't want to make things complicated with many popup layers waiting in the background soI'll stick with your example of making every image from...
Hello there!
I uploaded my demo site. Click to solo layer onto "Home Page", to remove all that annoying layers that keeps appear on the front page.
So, after I tryed some of the possibilities I...
Hy all,
I have run into this problem and it seems I don't know how to fix it although I've tried many combinations.
I use <Locking Popups> in my site and I have on the page ~ 20 different images....