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  1. Replies

    Re: PRO X - Can't "SKEW" Text???

    Thank You Gary!!!
    I spent 4 hours trying to figure that out... on youtube, search and xara help files.

    you mentioned other features in SMART TRANSFORM... where can I find these other features or...
  2. Replies

    PRO X - Can't "SKEW" Text???


    PRO X - Can't "SKEW or STRETCH" Text???
    anybody-else having a problem?

    when i grab the middle handle it just moves the entire text up or down? i tried unlocking the "LOCK aspect...
  3. How To Switch Back to the "Light Gray User Interface?"

    I cant remember how to switch from "Dark Gray" to the classic "Light Gray" user interface...

    thank you in advance.
  4. Re: mobile variant moving from left to right?

    i thought it was just a quick fix. your running into this issue too? when you view your mobile website on an iPhone it seems to have "1inch play left to right" when your scrolling up and down?
    If i...
  5. mobile variant moving from left to right?

    hello everybody,

    how can I get my mobile website from moving from side to side (it seems to have 1-1.5 inch play from left to right when i scroll.

    viewing on a iPhone 6 in the vertical...
  6. Re: anybody know of a simple widget for testimonials?

    sorry for the confusion. thats how confused iam or was.

    can i get your permission to use this in my website?
    thank you in advance! if yes.

    you should def. try and sell that to XARA! so much...
  7. Re: anybody know of a simple widget for testimonials?

    Absolutely Amazing! this is exactly what i was looking for!

    Thank You for remembering. I would think everybody would want this! The numbers clutter things up.

    thank you again!

    and another...
  8. Re: anybody know of a simple widget for testimonials?

    thank you for your quick reply!
    that's exactly what i want to do.
    very simple! that way if i have new testimonials i can add them very quickly.
    yes i did get it to work in gif. just not in...
  9. Re: anybody know of a simple widget for testimonials?

    thank you for your quick replies!

    i am finding this really had to believe, such a simple task is so hard to achieve. lol!!!

    i like your idea but im looking for something really simple....
  10. anybody know of a simple widget for testimonials?

    I basically want a resizeable photo widget that i can add 10-25 testimonials from customers.
    i want it to scroll vertical.

    i dont want the Numbers Boxes or Radio Buttons on the widget.

  11. Re: New Printer, Only prints half of whats on the page?

    yes i have many templates and i am very familiar with custom page sizes.


    thank you again.

    depending on what we are printing we pick a template.

    24"x5" we can get 2 mugs.
  12. Re: New Printer, Only prints half of whats on the page?

    i tried all the settings from "ACORN" nothing seems to work.

    work around...
    export , import in to Corel (THAT SUCKS for me!)
    Corel just plain sucks!

    any other suggestions?

    just so im clear...
  13. Re: New Printer, Only prints half of whats on the page?

    it's not sheets. its a roll. 24"x275'
    yes USA
    using inches as unit of measure.

    i used the same roll in the epson printer, no problem

    on the page, make it custom 24"wide x 10" height
  14. Re: New Printer, Only prints half of whats on the page?

    yes, show print borders is definitely the problem. the print border top and bottom is about 1.25in which is exactly what im missing
  15. Re: New Printer, Only prints half of whats on the page?

    thank you!
    on thing i notice.
    my page is 24x5
    and the printer is sending out a piece of paer at 24x6.75

    my page is 24x10
    and the printer is sending out a piece of paer at 24x11.75
  16. Re: New Printer, Only prints half of whats on the page?

    you just gave me an idea to switch to portrait... trying it now
  17. Re: New Printer, Only prints half of whats on the page?

    24in wide on a roll

    printing landscape 24 wide
    at 5 in high

    i just upgraded to this Mutoh print from a 24 in epson which worked fine.
  18. New Printer, Only prints half of whats on the page?

    New Printer, Only prints half of whats on the page?
    any ideas where to start?

    thank you in advance!!!

    xara Pro11 64bit

    prints fine out of Corel X6 (hate this program!)
  19. Replies

    Re: general sizes for websites?

    thank you for all your replies. i really do appreciate your time too!
    thanks again
  20. Replies

    Re: general sizes for websites?

    yes the 960 is a xara template. it seems a little skinny.

    i guess my question is can the desktop be too wide?...20 inches?
  21. Replies

    Re: general sizes for websites?

    thanks for the reply...
    but whats the width for www.Ebay.com that's another site that fills my screen or is that a variant? how do i figure that out?
  22. Replies

    Re: general sizes for websites?

    how many variants can a website have?
  23. Replies

    Re: general sizes for websites?

    what size is www.flexfit.com

    that site fills up my entire screen.

    i have a 24in apple monitor

    do you think a person with a 12in monitor can see the entire site or is it cut off?
  24. Replies

    Re: general sizes for websites?

    so the 960 is for the desktop? and the 480 is for smartphones?
    what do these 2 numbers mean? pixel width?

    what happens if i in crease the with to say 24inches... people with only a 12in monitor...
  25. Replies

    general sizes for websites?

    hello everyone.

    is there a general/basic widths i should be using to create a desktop website?

    the 3 template xara pro 11 has seems a little skinny on my monitor when i preview.

    im sure...
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