Its an encylopedia of information! I'll give it a read. Many thanks for staying on this with me.
Type: Posts; User: DocRock; Keyword(s):
Its an encylopedia of information! I'll give it a read. Many thanks for staying on this with me.
Right that would work but still not quite what I am after. As you see on the homepage of the site, I want to display just one photo for each type of construction on the page. When clicked that photo...
Right, I do see the image popup feature in WD7. but how do I pop up a HighSlide gallery with multiple photos when a photo on the page is clicked? Is that possible? I don't want a gallery page with a...
This XWD7 site under development has 3 photos that I want to open as highlight type photo galleries when clicked. None of the standard galleries in the Designs Gallery seem to be designed that way....