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  1. Replies

    Re: Easy AI CS2 Sizing problem

    Sorry for the wait

    When I export, the file is cropped to accommodate the outermost filled or stroked path.

    Here's an example I've knocked up. I have the artboard set to an A4 workpiece. I...
  2. Replies

    Easy AI CS2 Sizing problem

    This must be obvious because it totally evades me :rolleyes:

    I work in an A4 document in Illustrator. Then I export as a JPG file, and the document is 800 pixels to a side at best, and often...
  3. Re: Got any cool pictures, icons, sketches? Let's see em!

    Haha! ???
  4. Re: Got any cool pictures, icons, sketches? Let's see em!

    Sweet! Like the driver
  5. Re: Got any cool pictures, icons, sketches? Let's see em!

    Cool. Thanks very much!
  6. Re: Got any cool pictures, icons, sketches? Let's see em!

    Apologies. However I was aiming to see what had been made in photoshop only. The Non Xara gallery is a big place. I'll keep it there in future.
  7. Re: Got any cool pictures, icons, sketches? Let's see em!

    Sorted the size problem. A good submission size is 800 pixels by 600 pixels. Enjoy
  8. Got any cool pictures, icons, sketches? Let's see em!

    I figured that as the Photoshop forum has been stagnant for a while, we need some new hotness up ins...

    That's right...I said new hotness.

    If you have any cool pictures (be they cool icons,...
  9. Re: How to convert low resolution image to high resolution?

    That's gonna be hard. If you resize a raster image from small to large it's gonna pixelate.

    If I were you I would go to somewhere like www.imageafter.com or http://www.mayang.com/textures/ and...
Results 1 to 9 of 9