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  1. Replies

    Re: Xara Designer Pro+ Update (21.8)

    Whilst I can't answer for Kate - I took the gamble and switched to Xara Pro + nearly 2 years ago... and have been enjoying the new features in the desktop version of Xara + some of the online...
  2. Re: Best method to export a shape from Xara, and import it into Photoshop as vector?

    Hi Carlos,

    In answer to this part of your question, bevels result in rasterisation, alongside shadows / glows and also if you use Xara's edge feathering feature (e.g. to smooth the edge of shapes...
  3. Replies

    Re: Xara Purchase History

    Many thanks Keith.

    This all feels a little odd, even (especially) after having caught up on the new Xara CEO's open letter to the Xara community.

    Best Regards,


    Best Regards,
  4. Replies

    Re: Xara Purchase History

    Many thanks for the link - wonder why this is hidden away on the Xara site... gives the impression that they've totally abandoned their previous (desktop sofwtare) customers.

    Wonder if this was a...
  5. Replies

    Xara Purchase History

    Apologies in advance if this has already been asked, I did search for an answer without any joy before creating this post.

    (Perhaps foolishly) I've always relied upon my login at Xara.co.uk /...
  6. Replies

    Re: Cool things you can do with brushes

    Nice work Frances - showing the interesting possibilities of these great new tools that us vector freaks have been hankering after ;-)
  7. Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11

    Wahey... new vector tools for 'artistic' strokes and for vector deformation. Can't wait to try this out on a Cintiq when I return from hols.
  8. Replies

    Re: Friendly URLs

    One suggestion that *might* give you the result you're after:

    1) Structure your website so that each section/page has its own folder.

    2) Each section in each folder then has it's own...
  9. Replies

    Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    But there's a growing need for a Xara-like tool that can output interactive SVG-based web content - with proper vector-shaped (e.g. not just rectangular) hotspot zones that trigger actions/popup...
  10. Replies

    Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    Yes - I too am having to ponder this now. Interactive SVG-based content is where I need to be heading - really hoped Xara were on the same wavelength, as it would seem to be a natural fit with the...
  11. Re: Strange Behaviour in Web-based Output - XD Pro X9

    Hi Rob,

    Thanks for the fast response - the space trick works a treat, resolves the Google Fonts issue completely.

    I've started to drop you a support note at the URL you provided - can't see an...
  12. Re: Strange Behaviour in Web-based Output - XD Pro X9

    Thanks Gary - both for taking a look and also for the feedback.

    Here's the page as it has been designed in Xara:


    Here's the result I see in Chrome / Firefox / IE:

  13. Strange Behaviour in Web-based Output - XD Pro X9

    Hi All,

    I have been building some interactive web content using Xara and enjoying some of the possibilities this gives to go beyond traditional-looking web content. However, I've hit some snags...
  14. Re: How to display lots of text in an organised fashion in Designer pro

    My advice would be to export from your DB (or Excel) in TAB delimited format, as this will preserve the formatting needed to more easily layout your table Xara.

    Paste the 'TABBED' text into a Xara...
  15. Re: Trying to shape a textbox in Xara Designpro 7. At a dead end!

    You can already produce 'text within a shape' effects with Xara...

    1) Create a shape you want your text to be contained within as a solid shape (the white area in the example below).

    2) Draw a...
  16. Replies

    Re: Constructing text on a curve

    Yet another way - draw a circle or ellipse as above - then convert to editable shape (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + S) then with the shape still selected, choose the text tool and click anywhere...
  17. Re: What do you like best about Xara Designer Pro X?

    I love the speed of use and the fact that you can wade into Xara at your own pace... e.g. use just the toolbars initially, until you feel confident enough to start using the many UI tricks and...
  18. Re: XWD 7 what is best method to repeat HTML on some pages, e.g. how do I create an i

    One method is outlined at the URL below...


    Then simply add a placeholder object that 'calls' the external file, on the pages...
  19. Replies

    Re: Exporting with Web6...basic issue

    Hi Grace,

    There are two kinds of Export - 'Export Image' and 'Export WebPage'

    Export image, does what it says - it exports just a single image of the current page, as a pattern of pixels to an...
  20. Replies

    Re: XWD7 problem with navbars

    If I understand you problem correctly, you need to edit the text label of the LeftMost (assuming horizontal NavBar) individual NavBar button instead of tweak the NavBar settings.

    Easiest way to...
  21. Replies

    Re: Link to a pop up layer

    Just curious - What's the application for this?

    Is there a reason why you'd not want to include the pop-up layer inside the page where you'd want it displayed?
  22. Replies

    Re: Basic Question, forms

    Like Issie - I make use of Google Docs Forms most of the time - for the simple reason that as people complete forms, you can instantly inspect them in Spreadsheet form - even from an iPhone or other...
  23. Replies

    Re: External Links open as Mailto:

    I learn something new every time I visit this site (which is often) - had never realised you could populate the subject field of emails in the way Gary covers above.

    Many thanks for this little...
  24. Re: WD7 Prem Page & Layout Gallery any way to force it to remain open

    Hi jgt,

    The Pin mechanism works fine for me with a fully-collapsed view of the Page Gallery.

    The only variability I've noticed is in the width of the Page Gallery - as it changes depending on...
  25. Replies

    Re: Easy Accordian Issue

    Many thanks for the response.

    I followed your advice - however, the problem remains. Do I need to do something to reimport a fresh instance of the Designs Gallery for this to take effect?

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