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  1. Re: Xara Online Designer (Cloud Xara) pricing

    Glad you agree with this. We get feedback from designers and end-users of Wordpress saying they hate it - because the whole process of creating and, for the client, editing Wordpress sites is really...
  2. Re: Will Xara Ever Create a DTP Program (like PagePlus)?

    Where did that come from? I never said, and none of our marketing material ever claimed Designer is suitable for creating books (although people have created books in our software). I mean we don't...
  3. Re: Will Xara Ever Create a DTP Program (like PagePlus)?

    Can you clarify what you mean by this Chris? I can understand nested layers, as one thing. But how does that relate to grouping pages into sections?

    Impression had Chapter support for long...
  4. Re: Will Xara Ever Create a DTP Program (like PagePlus)?

    Well the definition of 'DTP' in this topic was 'like PagePlus'. And by that definition we should be close (better in some ways).

    So I doubt PagePlus is any more capable of handling 600 pages than...
  5. Re: Will Xara Ever Create a DTP Program (like PagePlus)?

    It can do exactly that already. Several ways.

    1) Create your basic page text frame layout. Be it one frame, or multiple linked frames etc.
    2) Right click on the overflow indicator of the text...
  6. Re: Will Xara Ever Create a DTP Program (like PagePlus)?

    What software did you use to edit and layout that book, out of interest?

    Xara Designer can cope with decent multi-page 'long document' cases - we use it internally for 50+ page documents...
  7. Replies

    Re: Website themes and elements (v11)

    The Legacy themes are ones without Mobile versions, and are designs that are, how should I say, 'less than contemporary', so we will unlikely be moving these forward, adding mobile variants or other...
  8. Replies

    Re: Quality of pictures in Xara Web Designer.

    Yes that option means that all graphics, text exported as graphics and photos are output at Retina resolution and will be sharp - exactly the same as native resolution on the iPad. The method works...
  9. Replies

    Re: cloud.xara discussion thread

    The cool thing about picture replacement is that photo will now appear in the master document on your desktop. You need do nothing - it's just a way of doing 'remote update' of not only your website,...
  10. Replies

    Re: Quality of pictures in Xara Web Designer.

    Exporting unnecessarily hi-res images is really bad for website performance, so Web Designer tries to avoid this, and always produces, as standard, 96dpi images which is the official standard...
  11. Re: iPad favourites - NO GAMES or WORK Apps!

    In fact I have 150 apps on it now. And now thanks to the iOS4 update I can at last organise them into folders so it's all manageable. Completely agree about Guardian EyeWitness - always great...
  12. Replies

    Re: Moderators / Xhris dispute

    OK guys enough with the pointless speculation, this is the position from the horses mouth.

    No moderators have been fired or asked to leave.

    Chris did not pretend to be a mod when he is not,...
  13. Replies

    Re: Text Renders Differently in Browser

    The only difference I can see is the slight differences between the Xara text rendering engine at small sizes and the Browser text rendering engine (Windows). We can't control the appearance of the...
  14. Replies

    Re: previewing site in IE or Firefox

    If you export (use the Export button on the top bar), then after this the Preview button always updates the exported files at that location. So this means it's very easy to preview in any browser. ...
  15. Replies

    Re: Preview Function

    It's high on the wish list for future releases.
  16. Replies

    Re: XWD Movies?

    I don't recommend anything for editing MY videos, but if you mean what do I recommend for creating or editing videos in general, all I can say is that we used Camtasia 6 on those videos, and Audacity...
  17. Replies

    Re: XWD Movies?

    Online only. We've moved to supplying all future movies as online only using the new Flash MP4 codecs. Gives higher quality, no issues about installing WMV and TSCC codecs (which gave us a real...
  18. Re: How can I repeat background horizontally only

    Summary Manual on the topic.
  19. Replies

    Re: Memory Usage

    Sort of OT, but...the JPEG we export is not the JPEG you embed - it's resized / resampled to the required resolution / angle etc. So some fields in the EXIF would have to be changed for sure as...
  20. Replies

    Re: Memory Usage

    Five pictures being 100 Mbytes doesn't sound right at all. It's easy to work out what it should be in total. Just add up the sizes of all your JPEGs and add a small bit for the text (a few tens of...
  21. Re: Symbols in Xtreme: Highly probable :)

    Hate to disappoint, but this was an experiment, and that code was not meant to have been left in. The conclusion of those experiments (of which this is a remnant) is that this is not the way we're...
  22. Replies

    Re: No Form Elements? I need it XWD.

    We know forms are important, but part of the reason it was moved to be a lower priority for us was due to the growing number of third party form solutions, many of which are more advanced and...
  23. Re: Photo template edit/customization issues

    Please let me know what you're trying that is not working, and what you're effect you're after, and I'll see if I can help.
  24. Replies

    Re: Lost Handles ??

    John is right -one of the most common mistakes made by new users and sometimes experienced users alike, is incorrectly squashed, and screwed-up aspect ratio, of graphics, photos and text. It's one of...
  25. Re: Verbose coding... anyway to change that Xara?

    Yes we position every single items with pixel accuracy - including every single line. It's the only way to ensure accurate WYSIWYG and consistency across all browsers.

    There is no zoom problem if...
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