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  1. Re: Web Designer Premium Upgrade add blocks program

    For all friendly users. When you disconnect your computer from the internet the add does NOT show up and you're able to work again. 100% proof that XARA is online creating this error. PLEASE SOLVE...
  2. Re: Web Designer Premium Upgrade add blocks program


    NOT possible to click the add away, no response at all. Program BLOCKS!
  3. Re: Web Designer Premium Upgrade add blocks program

    Running as administrator does not solve the issue. It is related to the add from MAGIX, and I can't use the program. It is extremely annoying to be pushed every time with Magix adds, and now BLOCKING...
  4. Web Designer Premium Upgrade add blocks program


    It's not possible to remove the add (Upgrade offer) and work on my Web Designer Pro's documents. What is going on?
  5. Replies

    Re: Out of memory

    The installer is a 4 mb file and downloads the actual >100mb file. I'll get the installers.

    I deleted V11 and reinstalled V12 yesterday. Is there anything to keep other then the back-up files in...
  6. Replies

    Re: Out of memory

    Good tips. To be safe in the future I like to download the 64 bit versions of Xara V11 and V12. Not the installers, but the full (over 100mb) installation files. Any links for that?
  7. Replies

    Re: Out of memory

    For the near future I decided to work in one single .web file and only split for the export. 64 bit computer is the next step. Many thanks again for the work-arounds. After 6 month of website...
  8. Replies

    Re: Out of memory

    It worked to export and upload in 2 sections. A few remaining questions:

    - sidemap.xml contains only the last section and not all pages. Downgrade for SEO. Do you know a work-around?
    - Files...
  9. Replies

    Re: Out of memory

    Thank you. I'll try this out. I wrote about downgrade of images. I use a 1920 x 1080 screen and noticed decreased image quality when unchecking the retina option.
  10. Replies

    Re: Out of memory

    Thank you so much Rob. Unchecking 'Retine HD Images' solves the problem. But it also is visible in lower image quality (to be expected). How to export the document in multiple files? Can you help me...
  11. Re: Popup on iPhone - swipe makes close the pop-up

    Hi Rob, I upgraded to V12. Mainly because I experienced serious exporting issues and memory errors. Very unfortunately V12 does not solve the issue. I'm not able to create the files anymore. Win 7,...
  12. Replies

    Out of memory

    XARA webdesigner premium 11 and 12 is showing out of memory error. All images are decreased in size, as Xara is offering for support. Any tips to work-around? Thanks.
  13. Re: Popup on iPhone - swipe makes close the pop-up

    Unfortunately the 2 suggestions are not solving this bug for iPhones. I tested them both. Thank you anyway a lot for helping and sending the report to Xara.
  14. Re: Popup on iPhone - swipe makes close the pop-up

    Thank you. Unfortunately still no update for Xara Web Designer 11 premium. Any suggestion for a work-around? Does the new version (12) has the same bug? I'm having serious problems with customers not...
  15. Re: Popup on iPhone - swipe makes close the pop-up

    The pop-up test for iPhone (http://gwpriester.xara.hosting/popup-close) is not working correct on iPhone. When I swipe the screen the pop-up closes. Tested on iOS 11.03.15A432 on Safari and Firefox...
  16. Re: Popup on iPhone - swipe makes close the pop-up

    Thanks a lot. I will spend time making this work.
  17. Re: Popup on iPhone - swipe makes close the pop-up

    Thank you for your reply. However this is a solution I don't want visitors to go up to the right top of the pop-up. Intead I want them to click anywhere to close. This works well on Android but not...
  18. Popup on iPhone - swipe makes close the pop-up

    Webdesigner 11 premium:

    On iPhone a swipe of a pop-up is read as a tap (and closes the pop-up unwanted). Once the screen is touched for swipe the pop-up closes in stead of scrolling down or up.
Results 1 to 18 of 18