I had a girfriend many years ago who was studying HP at uni and his influence on other writers such as Wyndham; I remember she was very enthusiastic about a new writer, who had just published...
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I had a girfriend many years ago who was studying HP at uni and his influence on other writers such as Wyndham; I remember she was very enthusiastic about a new writer, who had just published...
but were you cast under it's shadow....?
ah..... the theocrat's theocrat... a theocrat-crat you migh say....
who rules the rulers ? ;) :D
me to - this has a definate something that kicks in my imagination, which your usual 'sci-fi' does not, clever though it all is
I like this - vaguely reminds me of surrealism, Yves Tanguy for example....
the devil is always in the detail they say....
how goes the Devolver Digital gig ? :)
presume you mean houdini... never used it so had to do some checking
houdini is node based ['procedural'] - that is a definate bonus over maya - have fun
I see that according to thegamer.com :
all the best - if they are funding your mac and your maya sub you really have hit the ground running :D
that is a philosophical point - looked at as a piece of art, what counts is what you see, and the persective of the right arm is way out relative to the left arm; to be the size it appears the right...
if... ;)
whatever works for you has to be good - and thanks again for laying it out :)
maybe a lot of editing is more a reflection of the [so-called] alpha personality, the one that is always in a rush to finish, that would be me anyway...
ages ago had a debate here...
and another edit [no problem, I do it all the time]
yep, over here we call that common sense ...
when I was at school [UK] we had something called 11 plus you took when you were 10/11 in order to deterrmine whether you went into a high or not so high stream at secondary school [high school] -...
as groucho marx might have said, but didn't: 'it takes real genius to fail an IQ test'
I work with someone who has learning disabilities and she is a genius.. you want an animation sequence timed...
like I said.. interesting....
sure.. what you might call informal storyboarding [or 'non-segued'] - pencil out the roughs an' all.. reckon we all do this
but pure brainstorming and 'taking...
interesting - we always write first and then illustrate what the script/storyboard indicates, which is far more efficient [certainly for us]... same as sound is always tracked first and the...
it's good to have the imagination... mine works in a very different way [that isn't always appreciated on TG :D]
i don't do the games, not at all my thing, but you certainly produce the art :)
you do append all your posts, of late anyway, in this thread with the exhortation so I just wondered if edwinasyneak actually did [not that I expected a reply]
but are you enjoying them ?
thanks for the explanation, I appreciate that; not into RPG myself as you will have gathered :D
so if I understand correctly then, it is the plate; maybe the dining table; maybe even the layout of the restaurant ?
I can see what you are saying... but no action, no meal for those of use who...