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  1. Re: How to insert Vertical, Accordion Navigation Bar (NOT slider)?

    For some reason I didn't get a notification that there were replies like before. Thank you all for replying.

    Acorn, will I need to worry about the images that are associated with the CSS...
  2. Re: How to insert Vertical, Accordion Navigation Bar (NOT slider)?

    I replied before to this but I guess it didn't get approved or something. I found a website that has css and html for menus. It also has images. Since I am used to just using HTML, I really don't...
  3. How to insert Vertical, Accordion Navigation Bar (NOT slider)?

    I am trying to figure out how to insert an accordion menu/navigation onto my xara homepage. I already have a regular, horizontal navigation bar at the top of my homepage. However, I want to use the...
Results 1 to 3 of 6