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  1. Re: Pantone, CMYK, RGB and Hex differences in Xara Designer Pro X

    Yes, we attached a copy of the PDF in the original post which shows that Xara HAS translated the colours correctly upon exporting the document to PDF.
  2. Re: Pantone, CMYK, RGB and Hex differences in Xara Designer Pro X

    Yep, we did the same experiment in Adobe Illustrator and it produced and printed correctly.
  3. Re: Pantone, CMYK, RGB and Hex differences in Xara Designer Pro X

    Thanks for your tests..

    I just want to clarify that I TOTALLY understand that a monitor screen colour will look different to printed media. I get that totally and that's not the issue here.
  4. Re: Pantone, CMYK, RGB and Hex differences in Xara Designer Pro X

    Ok.. Sadly I think a lot of people haven't read the original post... Or maybe I suck at explaining the problem.

    The screen grab that we posted shows the colours that come directly from the Pantone...
  5. Re: Pantone, CMYK, RGB and Hex differences in Xara Designer Pro X

    Many thanks for your detailed reply... hope your arm recovered ! :)

    So in conclusion, it looks like any customers that send us PDF artwork which contain Pantone Colours, we'll need to replace...
  6. Re: Pantone, CMYK, RGB and Hex differences in Xara Designer Pro X

    Ok Maybe I'm totally missing the point here, to which I apologise.


    That is the reference page from Pantone that provides the Pantone colour, and...
  7. Re: Pantone, CMYK, RGB and Hex differences in Xara Designer Pro X

    Thanks for your reply.

    I understand that Xara works in an RGB environment, but I would hope that when you pick a spot colour or a CMYK colour that it would print that colour.

    The colour in the...
  8. Pantone, CMYK, RGB and Hex differences in Xara Designer Pro X

    Having a little difficulty understanding what might be going wrong here.

    One of our customers sent us a design which used PANTONE Spot Colours. We imported the colours, but upon printing them,...
  9. Replies

    Data Merge Wishlist?


    I wonder if anybody has discovered a feature, or if they know of any future plans to include a date merge feature to Designer?

    I currently design labels for customers for products that...
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