I understand completely, Gameprinter.
I'm walking away, very slowly, from C4D, because I no longer can afford it. I began with version 9, and today, the latest is great, but three times that...
Type: Posts; User: Gare; Keyword(s):
I understand completely, Gameprinter.
I'm walking away, very slowly, from C4D, because I no longer can afford it. I began with version 9, and today, the latest is great, but three times that...
Addendum: Pilgway software developers are located in Ukraine.
Yep, and they're almost begging anyone interested to buy a license.
No guilt here: we already donated $$$$ through a charity for...
I discovered two sculpting tools (IOW, zBrush competitors, in a vague way):
Adobe Substance modeler 3D beta
first, create an account for Adobe, or log in if you're registered
Here's the...