I have created a Shared Object in "a.swf". I can read and write to it -no problem, but how do I access it from a movie "b.swf".
If in "b.swf" I use:
so = sharedobject.getLocal("savedPrefs");
...Nothing happens!
Or when trying to indicate the path to the movie which created the SharedObject:
so = sharedobject.getLocal("savedPrefs","/dir/a.swf");
-same result.
Anybody got this to work?
Again, I need to access my SharedObject not from the movie I created it in but from a DIFFERENT one.
Any help would be much appreciated
I have created a Shared Object in "a.swf". I can read and write to it -no problem, but how do I access it from a movie "b.swf".
If in "b.swf" I use:
so = sharedobject.getLocal("savedPrefs");
...Nothing happens!
Or when trying to indicate the path to the movie which created the SharedObject:
so = sharedobject.getLocal("savedPrefs","/dir/a.swf");
-same result.
Anybody got this to work?
Again, I need to access my SharedObject not from the movie I created it in but from a DIFFERENT one.
Any help would be much appreciated
can you supply us with the code you're using to set the sharedObject? the retrieval code looks okay to me...
Deep (just a guy)
<font face="arial" size="2">
Pradeep Kumar Nair, B.Math
Interactive Developer
ICQ: 39102360
Thanks for the reply Deep.
Here is the problem:
There is a Flash web app. on an ASP page. It retrieves a variable from the page URL and sends it to the Flash movie like this:
<embed src="edit_time_t.swf?ID=<%=Request.QueryString["ID")%>"
Then Flash retrieves some data from a database according to this var.
I'd like to be able to store user preferences in SharedObject but the problem is as soon as I add the '?ID=<%=Request.QueryString["ID")%>"' Flash doesn't recognize it as a SharedObject created by this movie.
As a workaround I am trying to make this SO available to all swf-s in the directory no matter which file has created it. MM online documentation says that the only way to go is to indicate the "locatPath" parameter in getLocal().
Well, I did. Still doesn't help.
Here is the code:
//For "a.swf":
so = sharedobject.getLocal("savedPrefs");
//then I can access my so in the same movie when the page is reloaded:
The problem is when I try to do access it from a different movie (see first posting) it doesn't work.
If you have a working example of accessing SO by a movie that didn't create it please let me know.
Sorry 'bout the long wait in a response - been swamped at work. Did you embed the movies in an HTML page? The Shared Objects are attached to a domain, so if the movie doesn't know which domain to check, it may not retrieve the Shared Object. If it has been embedded in a site with a domain, then I'll have to do more research. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif[/img]
Deep (just a guy)
<font face="arial" size="2">
Pradeep Kumar Nair, B.Math
Interactive Developer
ICQ: 39102360