1 Attachment(s)
Stylized Flames
Hi, I've asked about the attached file before and got no response. As you can see it is a J with stylized flames on top. I've tried using rectangles and tracings but go no really viable and neat looking file. I was hoping that someone would rise to the challenge and give me some advice on how to create this effect. It seems like it should be really easy but I am just not getting it. Please someone HELP!!!! Thanks.
2 Attachment(s)
Re: Stylized Flames
The best way to do this "J" is to manually trace the object. Use the padlock in the Layers palette so the your bit map doesn't move - Create a new layer and trace your shape from your locked bitmap. - Just use the Shape Editor Tool and very roughly go round your bitmap, not a great need to be all that accurate at this point. Take off any fill colour and give it a line thickness. - Now go round your shape editing, most of your shape has rounded corners so keep pressing "S" when you're on the control nodes to smooth, When editing your node handle try and keep the handles inline/parallel with the line it is trying to control.
Sorry I only spent under 10 mins doing your shape it will need better editing
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Stylized Flames
Select a j and convert to a shape. Make the flame lozenge by distorting a square with curved corners. Combine with ctrl 1. Cut out the gaps by taking part of the lozenge as a line. Place over the lozenge, convert line to shape and subtract (ctrl 2). Edit the final shape with the shape tool; I don't profess to be artistic!
Re: Stylized Flames
Here's a short video You see al the steps I usually do to trace such tiny bitmaps by hand. http://www.franta-net.de/snagit/
You'll find out the best way by trying.
Re: Stylized Flames
Spot on, Tony. You saved me a post!
Re: Stylized Flames
Re: Stylized Flames
Re: Stylized Flames
Thanks for all the help. It really worked well and was relatively quick to create. Kudos!!!