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  1. #1

    Default Proper Multi Monitor Workspace Support

    I am full of questions today.

    Xara doesn't really utilise multi monitor setups and wondered if this was an irk of others, and if there was anything on the roadmap for this?

    For example, breaking out the galleries (which you can do) still ties them to the window controls of the main app window, so you can arrange them or maximise them etc.

    You also can't drag out a view to a separate screen for example.

    I'm sure there are so many more examples where a multi monitor workspace could transform workflows.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Proper Multi Monitor Workspace Support

    the fact that you cannot float document workspace windows outside of the xara UI is a major handicap for graphic work on more than one monitor...
    Nothing lasts forever...




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