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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    La Malbaie, Canada

    Default Re: I am confused about what I own/.? bought v14 thru Magix>? then ProX v17 direct?

    If not on-line, where else could the catalogue content be such that you lose access to it?

    Also, read the last line in the box about Update Service that handrawn posted. "Online services included in the Software (such as the Online Content Catalog including the templates, widgets, photos etc ) may end as soon as the Update Service expires, unless the Update Service is extended." There is no other Content Catalog than the one that is on-line.

    If you can, and since Bezhad has indicated that a new version will be out in less than a month, wait until the dust has settled in August or September before renewing. Then, you should be able to get version 19 if it comes out within a year. Make sure to always download the contents of the Content Catalogue that is, obviously, on line, before the next expiry rolls around.
    John CB
    Xara DPX(

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Re: I am confused about what I own/.? bought v14 thru Magix>? then ProX v17 direct?

    If you can, and since Bezhad has indicated that a new version will be out in less than a month, wait until the dust has settled in August or September before renewing. Then, you should be able to get version 19 if it comes out within a year. Make sure to always download the contents of the Content Catalogue that is, obviously, on line, before the next expiry rolls around.
    noted and thanks to all
    btw - my catalog does not say online - it says content catalog :P

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: I am confused about what I own/.? bought v14 thru Magix>? then ProX v17 direct?

    that may be, but it is completely beside the point; you and others refer to xara when it should be xara gmbh if the company, or xara designer pro [for example] if a program; you are just being pedantic, you cannot have it both ways

    good advice from john
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  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: I am confused about what I own/.? bought v14 thru Magix>? then ProX v17 direct?

    TheeeDragon, I sympathize with you and I think you make a good point that you were not properly advised that without extending your renewal service you'd not only miss out on any future upgrades but also lose access to the online content catalog.

    Most of who have posted in this thread go a long way back with Xara and participated in or at least experienced the often acrimonious discussions that took place after the company announced its new subscription/renewal service model years back. The overall verdict was that the new model was confusing and unfair. Some bit the bullet (for a few years) and decided to pay the annual fee, others just left altogether. You were just confronted with this business model and feel duped.

    Yet, there's some logic to the content catalog being online as the contents gets updated when new program features are introduced and so warrant. This is especially true for the web design contents.

    Perhaps you were a little naïve, though, in assuming that the content catalog was yours to keep indefinitely. You could have done some further research when you started to receive Xara's renewal reminders but all that is water under the bridge now. Hopefully, Magix will improve their marketing pitch to avoid others to fall into the same 'trap'.

    Meanwhile, Browj2's advice might be something to pursue. I'm still using XDP 15 (but downloaded the content catalog) and might take this path if I consider future upgrades worth it.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: I am confused about what I own/.? bought v14 thru Magix>? then ProX v17 direct?

    the issue really is that a lot of people, I am tempted to say most but that might be hyperbole, do not read what it is they are signing up for

    yes I too have sympathy with threedragon and others, but it is a lesson there that has to be learned

    what xara/magix could do, as some other companies do, is make sure you cannot press the accept button until you have at least accessed the link and scrolled down to the bottom - they still cannot make you read it, but at least then they have covered themselves from users who are unfamiliar with the way these things work coming back and saying they were unaware of this
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: I am confused about what I own/.? bought v14 thru Magix>? then ProX v17 direct?

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post

    yes I too have sympathy with threedragon and others, but it is a lesson there that has to be learned
    A little compassion in such a situation goes a long way, hd; harsh words are not necessary, as TheeeDragon's experience of not getting what he expected is already the lesson. Perhaps later he'll discover that when reinstalling the program it will be an older(buggier) version than he is using now. Are we going to lecture him again? What about Xara/Magix being a bit clearer?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: I am confused about what I own/.? bought v14 thru Magix>? then ProX v17 direct?

    the words are not harsh, they are matter of fact;

    and did I not cover the way in which I thought Xara/Magix could be clearer ?
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  8. #18
    Join Date
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    ...Granada province, Andalucia, Spain

    Default Re: I am confused about what I own/.? bought v14 thru Magix>? then ProX v17 direct?

    No harshness that I can detect in Handrawn's post. The harshness (if indeed there is any) is in magiXara's attitude towards its customers.
    And if it is of any consolation to Theeedragon, in my opinion, the online catalogue is no great shakes.
    I downloaded it some time ago, wasn't impressed and deleted it. Perhaps I'm in a minority, here...
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  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Re: I am confused about what I own/.? bought v14 thru Magix>? then ProX v17 direct?

    for the record (ie just MY thoughts)
    1. No one was harsh (well maybe a teenie bit at times)
    2. been buying software since the 70's (yes - Pre-PC) (duh, yes - I am 70)
    3. for 20 years, I read every word of every license I fetched (bought)
    4. got to pretty redundant after a while
    5. re: subscription models, I may have been 1 of the first to sell them?
    who really knows for sure - but it was $10 per month with $5 per month going back to the agent that sold it
    (often churches/schools) as an incentive for them to push the product - but the cost was CLEAR - pay every month or access stops
    6. Subscription models are now all the rage - *smart on part of seller - make WAY MORE PROFITS
    (especially with people like me that wait years before upgrading - as my motto was (is) if the software does what I needed it to do
    why but new versions??? (only did so if some newer feature was offered that I deemed the value)

    As has become clear from my comments (gripe with MAGIX ie not XARA directly) was the subterfuge (IMHO)
    I have not seen (not saying does not exist) that you can buy a product that has PARTS of it expire
    sure - many programs have different models and you get what you pay for - but the model differences are clearly noted in the website

    with ref to this topic being around for 'years'
    guess also proves my point (not that I am trying to prove anything - just venting)

    in summary
    thanks to all for replies to my query
    as always, VERY informative
    and posters are very generous with their time to explain things to me

    I have tried at least 30 web developing programs since early 90's
    (I made my first few sites by hand-coding every HTML character in the entire page)
    and beta for a few
    other than NetObjects *which became my favorite (sadly ZERO corporate support after a while)
    XARA is by FAR the BEST I have ever found
    sure some parts remain confusing (to me) and is not really responsive
    but wow - great program -
    made even more great by the gents (oops - and gals) in this forum


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: I am confused about what I own/.? bought v14 thru Magix>? then ProX v17 direct?

    you are most welcome

    that is a venerable history...
    Nothing lasts forever...




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