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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Westminster, Colorado USA


    I was taking a walk in the Spring several years ago, and saw a young sparrow in a large parking lot. It obviously could not quite fly, but was trying and could only fly at about knee high.

    I stopped and talked to it, and it peeped at me several times, and proceeded to follow me home, about 4 blocks, flying ahead of me, then waiting and peeping at me. I thought this was so cute, that it had bonded with me, but forgot about the neighborhood cats.

    Whitey, my neighbor's cat, appeared out of nowhere like lightning, snatched my new buddy and ran off with the poor bird screeching and peeping. I figured Whitey wasn't really hungry, being a spoiled cat, and was just giving in to the hunting instinct, so I tried to run him down and save the little bird, but Whitey must have thought I wanted to steal his dinner (I did), and ran where I could not get to him. I don't know the fate of the little sparrow, but I always felt badly that I led him to an early demise. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif[/img]

    There are many hummingbirds in the Rockies south of Denver, and it is amazing to see 5 or 6 of them buzzing around the feeders you see everywhere. Incredible birds, and very friendly.

    Beautiful image, Maya.


    Why, I’m afraid I can’t explain myself, sir, because I’m not myself, you know...
    - Lewis Carroll

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Betwixt & Between


    Yes, I, too, love "hummers" and have two feeders out for them. There are several that winter over here and of course now many new ones are arriving. They are really comical and fun to watch---and they will get very bold and come right up to you. I think they know they are the fastest things around and so have no fear of us. They do amazing arial acrobatics while dog-fighting and trying to impress "the girls".
    This is again the time of the year for new fledglings! I've done my share of handraising quite a few to release. Next time, Dale, if you think a young bird needs help place it up high in the bushes...the cats are everywhere and do get a lot of young birds, unfortunately. Usually the parents are not far off, but your little guy clearly couldn't find "mom" and must have been hungry and lonely. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif[/img] That's how it goes sometimes. This image was one of my first with any program...maybe I'll post it in the gallery for anyone who likes hummingbirds...
    Thanks RAMWolff and Dale!!! [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
    ---As The Crow Flies!---
    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover."
    -Mark Twain




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