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Thread: anti-aliasing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Hi y'all, I'm new to the forum and xara and although I love the product, I have trouble with the "fringe" of anti-aliased pixels left around the edges of text when saved as a .gif and inserted onto a darker web page. The same thing happened after I spent hours creating a (superb - well I thought so!) animated banner - when it was uploaded, the tatty edges gave it a "cheap and nasty" look - exactly what I didn't want.

    I have resorted to laboriously editing the graphics by hand in Photoshop in an attempt to clean up the edges, but surely there must be a better way?

    Xara is so great in every other respect that I bought webstyle too - again, a fantastic, easy to use piece of kit, but with exactly the same problems! I understand the difference between vector and rastor, but if anyone can point me to a simple solution, I'd be very grateful. Love the site, by the way!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Hi y'all, I'm new to the forum and xara and although I love the product, I have trouble with the "fringe" of anti-aliased pixels left around the edges of text when saved as a .gif and inserted onto a darker web page. The same thing happened after I spent hours creating a (superb - well I thought so!) animated banner - when it was uploaded, the tatty edges gave it a "cheap and nasty" look - exactly what I didn't want.

    I have resorted to laboriously editing the graphics by hand in Photoshop in an attempt to clean up the edges, but surely there must be a better way?

    Xara is so great in every other respect that I bought webstyle too - again, a fantastic, easy to use piece of kit, but with exactly the same problems! I understand the difference between vector and rastor, but if anyone can point me to a simple solution, I'd be very grateful. Love the site, by the way!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA


    welcome to the Xara Conference.

    The answer is more simple than you would believe.

    Place your text over a color that is similar to the color of the background over which the text is going to appear.

    You can use a large rectangle, or you can hold down the Ctrl key and drag a color from the screen palette onto the page.

    Select your text (but not the background) and export with the transparent option.

    Now Xara will anti-alias to the selected color instead of the white of the page and your text will look terrific when viewed on the web page.

    Click here for a more detailed explanation.


    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    <a href="http://www.gwpriester.com">
    www.gwpriester.com </a>

    <a href="http://www.xaraxone.com">
    The Xara Xone </a>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Cheers, Gary, that seems to do the trick! Although it isn't strictly xara x, can you suggest a way of achieving the same effect when using webstyle 3.1?

    Do I have to create a page heading, for example, in webstyle, Save it, open it in Xara x and apply the "rectangle rule" before exporting it as a .gif?

    Thanks very much for your very speedy reply, by the way.





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