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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Question How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    It is approaching a year since the initial release of Designer Pro X 365.

    I think now might be a good time to post comments for Xara/Magix about how well or not well this program has worked.

    From my First Look Review last year, I wrote:

    Here’s a quick explanation of how the 365 Update Service works. When you purchase Designer Pro X 365 (or any of the other 365 products), you get new content, features and updates for one year. If you renew your purchase at the end of the 365 days, you continue to have access to all the content, new features, and updates. If you decide to wait a while, after the 365 days are up, the product is still available but the Content Catalog, any new updates, and new features will no longer be available.
    So, what do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Currently New York State

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    I have been disappointed.

    I will say that Xara has done some updates to the content catalog over this past year. However, the big reason I thought that Xara wentwith this new program model was so that Xara could release new features to the program without waiting for the next years program release. Xara has not made any release to the program other than a bug fix and we got that under the old model. Xara made a big point in saying that they are constantly working on new features and with the new program model these features could be implemented right away. Well where are they?

    So the real question is, when the year is up do we renew because there has not been any program feature updates so all you would be getting is a content catalog. Or has Xara gone back to the old program model and not told anybody and only new features will be release with new software.

    As far as what the software does, I like it real well. I do think Xara needs to address document publishing needs because they are failing behind the other manufactures and they to need worked on this to stay in this market.

    Last edited by RKissane; 03 February 2017 at 01:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Middletown, Delaware

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    Gary's highlighted comment in the first post is the exact reason I have not upgraded to the 365 version. The comments in the second post were also what I was concerned about. I realize that several software providers are going to this method of ensuring cash flow but I am old fashioned and do not intend to support this practice. I realize that we do not 'own' this software but rather we 'own' the right to use it but somehow this just seems wrong to me. As I said, I am old fashioned and I don't wish to stir up any ill feelings but you asked what I thought.

    (I use version X9 almost every day and it never fails me...had Xara/Magix continued with their previous marketing practices I would have updated.)
    Last edited by BobMoyer; 03 February 2017 at 01:32 PM. Reason: spelling

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    once bitten twice shy
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Savannah, Georgia Area

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    My sentiment is the same as most. This version will be my last.
    Have supported them for the last few years... But don't feel like it's worth to continue.

  6. #6

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    One more me too?

    I didn't believe in the concept from the first announcement and I think that like others have mentioned, it hasn't been executed well.

    setting aside the connectivity issues that pop up from time to time, the on-line content is a slow slog at the best of times. Also the fact that XDP hasn't really seen any true features being added, the lack of even knowing what is on a road-map for future inclusion is plain stupid. It amounts to a pig in a poke, blind faith or what have you.

    There needs to be more open communication, even if it "hurts." Where does Xara plan on taking XDP? What exactly is being planned? What is the hold up in executing those plans?

    And Gary, do you think this thread will really result in anything positive from either Magix Tricks or Xara?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    And Gary, do you think this thread will really result in anything positive from either Magix Tricks or Xara?
    I am curious to know how users feel about what was offered and what has been delivered so far. The only thing that will really have results is whether or not users continue to buy/invest in the program. And I think now is a good time to get user feedback.

    My hope is Xara and Magix can learn from user feedback.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    Well I have always upgraded to the new version when it arrived, so I figured buying the subscription did not really change anything. I was hoping that it would remove the impatience I feel each year as I wait for the pro version to appear, we will see. I am surprised that we did not get at least one new feature rolled out during the year.
    Xara Software XDP11

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    I agree that Xara hasn't delivered any substantial updates since 365 was released. A lot of what's been added is catalogue content, hence – mostly stuff
    which simply expires in case one doesn't renew the license contract. We're approaching spring – the time when the new version of Web-Designer used
    to appear. I can not imagine that anyone here would say that what we got thus far would justify a new version number.

    Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
    There needs to be more open communication, even if it "hurts." Where does Xara plan on taking XDP? What exactly is being planned? What is the hold up in executing those plans?
    Yeah, I generally think that the way Xara deals with their customers has totally fallen out of time. No forum run and supported by Xara staff, outsourced
    customer support to India and no way to directly contact developers – this all simply isn't how modern software companies interact with their customers.

    I only use Xara for a bit of Web editing but work with about a dozen or so other products on a daily basis. The only firm I recall which has even worse customer
    support is Xara's mother-ship Magix. They even dare offering payed Telephone support to paying customers.

    With the majority of software products I use I made greatly different experiences. Let it be equally small companies like Serif or even industry giants
    with thousands of employees like Autodesk. They all run own fora, have dedicated Full time Support staff, but also Core programmers posting regularly
    Most of them post feature roadmaps and showcase in development prototypes and have public bugtrackers. The makers of Xara don't use any of these
    tools to make a better product.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Thumbs down Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat




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