Okay. I have this re-occurring problem. Xara Designer Pro X10 was my first Xara software. And it worked quite well, for a while so I held out until now to get the latest version. Only, since I don't use the web design stuff, I decided to go for the Xara Photo Graphic & Designer v. 12 instead of the pro version. It has all I need. But I've run into the same problem I always had with the pro version: Both SAY they have color schemes to choose from. But I can't find it. I've looked many many times but it's just not there.http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/whathe.gif

Plus, I have tried to create a "permanent" color (my version of the color gold) on the standard palette. But I just can't figure out how, wish I could (just a dream I suppose).
