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Thread: Egg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Currently New York State

    Default Egg

    I wanted to share a picture that I did based off a tutorial that Iaroslav Lazunov did in Illustrator. the oringinal tutorial is located at

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	egg.jpg 
Views:	359 
Size:	31.5 KB 
ID:	114672

    I also documented how I did the picture in Xare as a PDF.

    Mike made a suggestion to add the file to DropBox.,

    That is a good idea.

    Here is the link to the PDF file https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqealb0pc2...0Xara.pdf?dl=0

    Last edited by RKissane; 19 October 2016 at 07:37 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Egg

    Nicely done, Ray!

    You could always upload the PDF to a document sharing site such as dropbox (or wherever) and simply provide a download link.

    Again, I really like it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Currently New York State

    Default Re: Egg


    That is a good idea.

    Here is the link to the PDF file https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqealb0pc2...0Xara.pdf?dl=0


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    StPeters, MO USA

    Default Re: Egg

    Very nice Ray.There seems to be a problem with the shadow under the egg shell on the left, should be flipped horizontally and possibly rotated some..
    Larry a.k.a wizard509

    Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Currently New York State

    Default Re: Egg


    The way I am looking at the drawing, the light source would be at the top of the drawing and almost between the two egg shells. So this was may attempt to show the shadows based on the direction of the light. I am not happy with the shadows as a whole but they get the idea across. If I remember right Gary did a Workbook on a glass object with shadows that I may need to revisit.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    StPeters, MO USA

    Default Re: Egg

    Never the less the rounded part of the cast shadow should correspond with the rounded part of the shell and the flattish part should correspond to the broken part (right side of the left shell), as it is it is reversed. Just a friendly observation. I am talking about the cast shadow under the shell not the shading on the interior of the shell.
    Larry a.k.a wizard509

    Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Egg

    Larry, geez. Put forth your own version and we'll see if you get the shadow "correct" or not.

    It's art, not a photo.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    StPeters, MO USA

    Default Re: Egg

    OK Mike, It'll take me awhile, I'll just do the egg shells if that is OK.
    Can you guys not see the shell and it's cast shadow are not correct?
    Not trying to be nasty, just asking. Maybe I'm wrong which is highly likely but that's what I see.
    Looking at the shell and it's shadow again makes me wonder now that maybe I am wrong but still I think it could be made to resemble the shell . Sometimes that happens and the fix is not always easy or apparent.
    I'll see if am wrong or not. If I am I'll apologize to RKissane
    Larry a.k.a wizard509

    Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Currently New York State

    Default Re: Egg

    Took and set up a plastic egg and took a picture of it. there is reflex of the light in the picture that makes it look like the light is over the top of the egg but that is just the angle of how I took the picture.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	egg.jpg 
Views:	310 
Size:	37.8 KB 
ID:	114698

    The shadows look close to the way I drew them. Would have to make the ends just a little more rounded is all.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    StPeters, MO USA

    Default Re: Egg

    Thanks for the photo.
    From what I see your photo proves my point, however here is what I did with your tutorial.
    It is not 100% accuate to your tutorial but the shadows are more or less correct as I see it. Please don't take offense at my criticism of your shadows that's just my thing. I liked your tutorial and learned much in the process.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	egg shells  shadfows and yoke.png 
Views:	166 
Size:	52.7 KB 
ID:	114699
    Larry a.k.a wizard509

    Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.




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