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  1. #1

    Default Popup Layer Navigation Issue

    Ok, I am having an issue I have not run into before. It has to do with popup layers. Specifically closing one and having another open upon the close action. I have done this before without trouble but for some reason I am having some on a new site I am working on? Note - I am using WD10.

    What I am doing...

    1 - Clicking a link on the main page opens a popup layer with info( sponsors ). There is a link to view more info( donors )if the visitor wishes. If the visitor opts to view the donors the sponsor layer closes and the donor layer opens.

    2 - On the donor layer I gave the visitor the option to go back to the sponsor info if desired. Clicking that link closes the donor layer and reopens the sponsor layer.

    3 - Both layers have a manual close on them in the upper right corner( image I added not built in )to exit out of the layers at any time.

    I am using manual popup codes entered into the URL area that I learned here rather than the built in ones to do this. I actually have to with the multiple layers. These are the codes as I have entered them( note I am not using the <> brackets on the site - just here )...

    Open 1st Layer = <popup: "sponsors">
    Open 2nd Layer = <popup: "close" "donors">
    Go Back To 1st Layer = <popup: "close" "sponsors">
    Manual Close Image = <popup: "close">

    I haven't done this for a long time( re: multiple layer navigation )and I might have forgot something. Almost seems like maybe there is a , or : in there I missed or maybe I need to tell it to close the layer name specifically or something? I just can't remember. I know I have got this to work in the past but it is not working 100% for me now and rather than keeping messing with it I figure I will just ask what it is I forgot to do. I thought I had saved this info in my Xara tweaks but can't find it?

    When I click on the option to view the 2nd layer I want the 1st layer to close but it isn't for some reason? If I use the manual close image on the 2nd layer the 1st layer is still there once the 2nd one closes. Pretty much everything works properly except the 1st layer is not closing when the 2nd one opens. I want the option for the site visitor to be able to exit the info section after viewing the 2nd layer without having to also close the 1st layer too.

    Oddly the 2nd layer does close and go away when I use the go back to sponsors link so I am stumped? The 1st layer will not close with the opening of the 2nd one for me though?

    Please help and as always I appreciate it very much.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Popup Layer Navigation Issue

    Hi gsthunder,

    The information you have provided is a little bit confusing and without a Xara file its difficult to see what you are trying to do.

    Are the sponsors and donors internal/external webpages or something else?

    If you haven't the ability to generate your own ideas - don't pinch mine.

    If in doubt, read the manual/help files

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Popup Layer Navigation Issue

    This is the original detail for the use of the popup Tweak: http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...ng-popup-layer and a sort of update: http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...ayer-and-close.

    I think all you've got wrong was the quotes around the close - close is a parameter and not a layer.
    Layers need to be in quotes.

    Last edited by Acorn; 09 April 2016 at 02:12 PM.
    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  4. #4

    Default Re: Popup Layer Navigation Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
    This is the original detail for the use of the popup Tweak: http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...ng-popup-layer and a sort of update: http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...ayer-and-close.

    I think all you've got wrong was the quotes around the close - close is a parameter and not a layer.
    Layers need to ne in quotes.

    Thanks Acorn for the link. That is actually the thread I used long ago to do it. I have now created an entry for it in my Xara Tweaks so I can refer back to it if needed in the future. I appreciate the assist. I cleared all the popup code/tweaks and started over just to be sure and was able to make it behave properly.

    Just to explain what needed to be done if others ever find this thread, this is the combo that worked...

    Open 1st Layer = <popup: "sponsors">
    Open 2nd Layer( and close 1st ) = <popup: "donors" close "sponsors">
    Go Back To 1st Layer( and close 2nd ) = <popup: "sponsors" close "donors">
    Manual Close Image = <popup: close>

    NOTE - for some reason I have always thought you needed <popup: "close"> vs. <popup: close>. It does work to just close a layer when you use <popup: "close"> FWIW. Looks like my issue was I didn't have enough info to properly open/close 2 layers at once( both layers have to be named )? Whatever the case it is working 100% now and I have saved the tweak for future use.

    Again my thanks.




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