One of my website's main domain currently has 78 pages and at one time was a little over 100 pages. Both versions also made use of multiple sub-domains with identical appearance and menus that were linked so you could navigate all around the main domain and sub domains and do so transparently to the user.

The sub domains each had multiple pages of photographs (versus one picture to a page). The main domain also has lots of images (JPG, PNG, BMP) as well as lots of PDFs up on the domain's host.

In my FTP settings, I have it set to Fast Publish (Only changed files).

I'm using 64 bit XDP11 (and also did this with XDP 10 and 9, also 64 bit) on Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
Xenon E5-1650, 3.2GHz
16 Gb RAM

This setup solved my prior issues with being out of memory when trying to publish.

RWD might be an issue as the size of the nav window on the mobile format might become an issue. However, why not allow multiple pictures and text on same page viewed as you scroll down? With XDP11, I'd think the pictures could nicely come into view as you scroll and the text could fly in. This might make for an easier overall site, as well easier for a user to navigate. See the example XDP11 websites for ideas.