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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11

    Hi again,

    I said above,
    Quote Originally Posted by PhilM View Post
    If you're working in a file that uses the old transparency types then you can apply them without restriction and, of course, you can create a template file that contains them, just like you would for a set of colours or brushes that you want to be present in all new documents.
    Well, sorry, but that's wrong. In fact, the old transparency types are only shown when an object that uses them is selected. Maybe I need to talk to my colleagues and persuade them to make it work the way I /thought/ it did! ;-)

    Ho hum,


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11

    The team did a great job of making the art brushes 'fluid' and smooth; one in the eye for anyone who says you never listen [and for the doubting thomas handrawn who has been making an issue of this since the last decade]

    So far I have only tried it on the laptop, and even on that [relative for graphics] slower computer it does very well - sometimes there is a delay in the rendering reaching full resolution [ie becoming 'sharp' rather than 'blurred'] but that has been mostly on opening an existing file, and this will be CPU dependant as well...

    I like to draw fast - it's a real-time transfer of thought process to art, almost at a sub-concious level.. a bit of an antithesis to the usual vector/CAD approach, having to stop can unsettle this; maybe I could try slowing down a tad, or hopefully the win7/win10preview desktop which has far more CPU power will be better; I'll try that today - grouping, using layers, good advice; thing is for me reaching a point at which I can say to myself 'pause, take a breath, consolidate'

    the switching issue is to shape editor, my bad [very sloppy terminology] - one example of it happening is when sketching a lot in a small area [building-up the line in a painterly sense]; double clicking is almost certain to happen every now and then, so thanks for picking up on that

    Sorry - the 'control+A' problem mentioned came up a while back - it does not always select everything - I put up and example file and the problem was logged - basically some objects that are 'too far out' get left unselected - currently I am using an A0 page size for testing, so I'm zoomed way out, maybe that means it is less likely to happen, I don't know

    thanks again to everyone

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11

    This looks pretty amazing. When is the Pro version coming out? I'm excited for that
    I don't think the pictures in what's new do the features justice. You really should add short videos that demonstrate how the new tools work

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilM View Post
    the old transparency types are only shown when an object that uses them is selected. Maybe I need to talk to my colleagues and persuade them to make it work the way I /thought/ it did! ;-)
    but it appears you can paste attributes across from a selected HUE/DARKEN/LIGHTEN transparency object in ver11, so that is a good enough workaround for me as things stand; I happy to live with that rather than divert resource from higher priority stuff

    Last edited by handrawn; 30 June 2015 at 08:50 AM. Reason: fix quote

  5. #15

    Default Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    however the new blend/transparency mode/types don't really add anything for me [just 'trying to be photoshop'] and worse, apart from STAINED GLASS, the ones I used most are gone: LIGHTEN, DARKEN, HUE
    Do you think it's bad if Xara will have more compatibility with Photoshop? New transparency types have been on my wishlist. For all who combines Xara with Photoshop. It's an incredible facilitation.

    Xara is incredibly convenient and fast for easy operations. But without Photoshop today is not enough.

    Of course, I would like instead of the "web design" more graphical and typography tools. Sure. I always repeat. Xara has driven itself into a corner with a "web design" feature. Xara has more and more time to invest in the development of this feature. Today the market dozens of similar software and frameworks(many more professional as Xara).
    But good graphics software can be counted on the fingers. Xara is still in the top ten. But already not in the top three.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11

    sure - I have no problem with the new transparency types as such; just that, for me, not a reason to upgrade [because I would use PS anyway]; the only actual problem I had with this feature was with the removal of the old types, but Phil has very kindly pointed me in the direction of a work around for this, so I am happy

    there are those I am sure who are scratching their heads and wondering what use 'art brushes' are.. now for me they are a reason to upgrade..

  7. #17

    Default Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    there are those I am sure who are scratching their heads and wondering what use 'art brushes' are.. now for me they are a reason to upgrade..
    No doubt this is a very cool "thing".

    I read something about CMYK PNG. Now Xara support CMYK transparency? You've already experienced it? It would be a "gift", too.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11

    Quote Originally Posted by digitalphaser View Post
    Xara has driven itself into a corner with a "web design" feature.
    The Champ's corner, I would say, but I am glad to see that the photo and graphics tools (finally) get updated and expanded as well. I hope the DTP tools will receive an equal share of attention.
    Last edited by Boy; 30 June 2015 at 10:55 AM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11


    ok - just been running the program on windows7 home [amd fx6300 six core 3.5gh] and so far no issues with pressure recording, no crashes...

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Just Released: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 11


    First kick in the tires impressions :

    The warp tool appears to be very well implemented. The node count stays decent and deformations are fluid.

    The shapes along a path brush is one thing I wished for a long time and it seems to work great!
    I can't seem to explode them into a path though, is that normal ?

    I/m not sure about the flashing infobar, I find it a bit annoying.





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