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  1. #21

    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    Could you suggest different vector software that would suit my usage more?
    Xara Designer Pro could be one of the options...

    I've only ever used Xara P&G, Inkscape and the old Sodipodi so I dont have experience with all the different offerings out there.

    I need easy batch importing, large file size handling or linked images option instead of embedding and 64 bit capability.

    Also can I ask, how long is a Xara product usually still current / usable supported etc.

    I originally bought P&G Designer 7 from Xara at the full price but by the time the cd actually arrived it had been replaced by P&G 2013, so I emailed and said it was already obsolete before I opened the box! lol
    So they sent the new version which was very good of them.

    But my question is, if I did buy the top Designer pro just to get 64 bit processing, if it had all the features I needed already, how long would it be usable into the future without rebuying a newer versions? ie. as an investment as you say. This is probably relevant to all software.
    Last edited by Forumarian; 13 February 2015 at 10:12 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    I'll leave the suggestions to others. I mostly buy Mac software these days.

    It would be helpful if you explained exactly what it is that you are doing.

    For example, on the Mac I tend to use some vector software that has no page size limit. In many respects this software out performs Xara, but it cannot do many of the things that Xara can, so for many Xara users it would not suit their purpose.

    So, in some ways that software would suit you entirely - no page limit, but it might not suit you in others. It's all about how you use the software.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    Quote Originally Posted by Forumarian View Post
    Ok I might consider it. I'm waiting for now because Inkscape has fixed many of the issues why I left before but there is one more thing that I have submitted a bug report about and if it could be fixed I might go to Inkscape.

    And I also have to look at other software products available that could have 64bit capability.

    But my point was for anyone from Xara who could be reading this, is that I really wish they didn't force you to buy lots of extra software I don't need just to get 64bit that should be fairly standard today.

    I would never use Page and layout designer, or web designer premium.
    I would be happy to upgrade to a higher version of Photo and graphic designer, but I really don't want to have to buy two other products that I won't ever use just to get the one that I want (P&G Designer 64 bit).

    Most likely there are other potential customers who would think the same thing.
    They are not forcing you to buy anything, you made the choice I think?
    That's like saying you're being forced into buying Windows 7 Professional 64bit instead of Home Premium 64bit just so you can use more than 16Gb of RAM.

    As I keep telling you, Designer Pro X 10 IS the higher version (as you put it) of Photo&Graphic Designer, that's why it's called 'Pro'.
    In any case, 64bit support is only a recent development for the software.
    Honestly, you're not buying two other programs, you're buying one Pro version. Web Designer is a subset of Designer Pro X while Photo & Graphic Designer is the standard version of Designer Pro X (lacks the Pro features). Page & Layout designer isn't even worth mentioning, it's basically the page & text handing features of the Pro version which were copied out to make another app in the Designer series. I think it's been a flop for Xara anyway.

    I'll not return to this thread as I think we've provided all the information you need to make the right choice.
    Good luck

  4. #24

    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    So does anyone know if I use the NTcore patcher program will this cause any problems with licensing issues with P&G Designer?

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    Steve Ledger says the patch works in 64-bit versions of Windows so I am not sure if it will work with a 32-bit version of Windows.

    You could ask on the NTcore website.

    I have used Designer Pro X10 and it's various versions starting in 1996 when it was CorelXara and it is a very excellent application. It is the high end Xara product that can do everything the other lighter versions can do and more.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    I am not sure if it will work with a 32-bit version of Windows.

    The OP has 64 bit Windows I believe, otherwise he's wasting 12GB of memory entirely.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    Just download and install the trial of XDP and see if it meets your work.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
    Just download and install the trial of XDP and see if it meets your work.
    Now why didn't I think of that..

  9. #29

    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    Now why didn't I think of that
    Because it's Friday the 13th?

    It's a goofy work-flow that will be bound to failure no matter the application, regardless of page-size and installed memory and/or application limitations. I can always make a file too big for a system to handle. If not sooner than later.

    Linked images, if it were an option in XDP would help. XDP has a page limitation that should go away. I make large signage in CorelDraw for this reason. Even so, I choose to work at scale and link images. Having image proxies on-screen is far "lighter" on the system. But in the end, at the output stage, one still needs the computer resources to handle the export requirements. And I can bring CD to its knees. Same with ID, AI, PP, and the list goes on.

    I was working with 1 gig PSD files in the latter 1990s for large format signage. In order to keep me busy while something as "simple" as saving, I had and used 3 computers. I still use two everyday.

    Knowing and working within limitations no matter the application is part of where we are in computer history. It all starts with having the computer needed to handle the requirements of the work, and having software that meets the computer's spec. One without the other is a fool's game.


  10. #30

    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    Lol yes of course I have 64bit windows, I may have overlooked the lack of 64bit in P&G Designer but I'm not silly enough to overlook it for the OS.

    I was just wondering if I used the patcher the patch the 32bit exe to enable it to use 4gb whether I might find that I cannot use Xara P&G because some sort of anti piracy measure thinks incorrectly that it's a crack since the original exe has changed, could this be an issue? I don't want to be stuck unable to access my files. Has anyone used the 4gb memory patcher succcessfully?

    I might find 4gb is enough for at least a few months more.
    Last edited by Forumarian; 14 February 2015 at 03:55 AM.




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