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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Mesa, and Pine AZ

    Default Creating Sub Pages in Web Designer 10

    I do a web site for a friend at bearswamprecordsandmanagement.com and have not update it for years. Originally, I designed in with FrontPage, but because the FP extensions are going away, I want to move to Web Designer 10. I have watched hours of tutorials, but I seem to be missing how to create sub-pages below the main pages. In the navigation bar, I have the Home - About-Bands-Photos-Links. What I need to do now is create sub-pages under Bands-Photos-Links, and then some sub-pages below those. I know how to link them in the navigation bar menu, but can't figure out how to create the sub-pages. It may be a matter of semantics, but I have been looking for days now. I have the same problem with another web site designer software I am evaluating, but I really want to use Xara. Any help?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Creating Sub Pages in Web Designer 10

    Welcome to TalkGrapics

    Double click on the Navigation Bar to open the Navigation Bar Properties dialog.

    Click the + next to the page that you want to add a sub menu to.

    As instructed, double click on the text to add a sub page.

    Name the page.

    Click in the URL section and Browse to find and add the page.

    Repeat this to add new sub pages.

    You can delete pages and rename them in the Navigation Bar Properties dialog. If you want to move a main page to a sub page, delete the main page from the Buttons and Menu list. This does not delete the page from the site, just from the Navigation Bar.

    Does this answer your question?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Mesa, and Pine AZ

    Default Re: Creating Sub Pages in Web Designer 10

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Welcome to TalkGrapics

    Double click on the Navigation Bar to open the Navigation Bar Properties dialog.

    Click the + next to the page that you want to add a sub menu to.

    As instructed, double click on the text to add a sub page.

    Name the page.

    Click in the URL section and Browse to find and add the page.

    Repeat this to add new sub pages.

    You can delete pages and rename them in the Navigation Bar Properties dialog. If you want to move a main page to a sub page, delete the main page from the Buttons and Menu list. This does not delete the page from the site, just from the Navigation Bar.

    Does this answer your question?
    What you have described above I have done already. What I am trying to do is physically create the page(s), within the web site pages for the navigation bar to actually have a page to display. In flow chart form, here is what I am trying to do:

    Home(pg is created)
    About Us(pg is created)
    Bands(pg is created)
    .....Band 1(need to create pg)
    ...........Info Band 1(need to create pg)
    ...............Band 1 News(need to create pg)
    .....Band 2(Need to create pg)
    ...........Info Band 2 -(etc, etc)
    ...............Band 2 News
    Photos(pg created)
    ......Photo 1
    ......Photo 2
    ......Photo 3
    Links(pg created)

    I want to use the same template I created, on all pages.

    Again, thanks
    Last edited by StuffAZ; 04 February 2015 at 01:12 PM. Reason: formatting not correct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Creating Sub Pages in Web Designer 10

    Xara does not create a file tree structure. All pages are created one on top the next.

    So you have to edit your nav bar so the pages and subpages are in the order you want them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Mesa, and Pine AZ

    Default Re: Creating Sub Pages in Web Designer 10

    I found a work around. I created a separate (sub) page outside of the main web structure, then linked it via the Nav Menu. Like you said, editing and deleting the page reference on the Nav Bar will also accomplish the same thing. The nice thing about that is the mouse roll over will show the sub-pages. As long as it works when published, that is all that matters. Seems a little cumbersome, but it will work. Just curious, why no tree structure, seems more intuitive with a tree structure.
    Thanks, I really do love the program so far.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Creating Sub Pages in Web Designer 10

    A tree structure would make all the fuss of creating the sub pages a simple task.

    Maybe in the next release. We can hope.

    If you really like extra work, you can create your own drop down menus using layers. It gets very complicated but the results are worth the efforts as you can control all aspects of the menu size, fonts, etc.



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