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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default auio/mp3 player PLEASE HELP!

    Hi everyone, this is beyond me

    I'm wanting to get this audio/mp3 media player (NOT the video player): mediaelementjs.com on my website with the mp3's that I have available.

    The instructions on the website are for the video element example, not for the audio.

    Can anyone help me with step by step instructions on how to get this functioning?

    Thanks so much for your help and time.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    La Malbaie, Canada

    Default Re: auio/mp3 player PLEASE HELP!


    Rather than starting a new thread, you should have continued with the other one and provided better information. You sent us to 2 websites expecting us to guess at what you want. You have Xara. Make a screen shot of what you want, circle it, annotate it, and post it.

    I really don't understand your problem. If all you want is the mp3 widget with a song, then simply drag the file and drop it on the page where you want. This is well explained in the manual. Here is the text straight from the manual:
    MP3 files: Import an MP3 file to add audio to your web page. A prompt allows you to choosewhether the audio should start automatically when your page is loaded, or whether it should only start when the play button is pressed on the player. As with the other file types above, a placeholder image showing the player is generated and placed on your page and the MP3 file and all other files needed to make the playerwork are copied to the support folder of your document and will be included in your exported website. Preview page to see the player in action.

    Did you at least try this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: auio/mp3 player PLEASE HELP!

    Hi, sorry for my delayed reply. I don't use this very often and have been unsure as to how to communication aspect of this is streamlined.
    But now I know and I will continue a thread next time

    I haven't dragged and dropped the mp3 file onto the webpage because I prefer the mp3 player on mediaelementjs.com. I can see that it could be quite complicated but I have managed to get it to the point where it half-works (the play button is not visible and the volume slider is hanging off the placeholder somehow).
    I am just wondering which files need to be uploaded to my directory and what code needs to be in the placeholder? I have only taken blind shots at the code and have almost got it working. Some guidance would just be helpful!

    Thanks so much for your patience.



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