Helped a friend set up her latest chick-lit book for sale as a PDF from her own website -- realizing that most of her customers will be reading that book on 225 ppi or higher screens ... on their iPad or android tablets, or on new laptops like the MacBook and Windows Surface Pro.

Which led to the joyous realization that all those old fonts... that we didn't want to use for display on the old 100 ppi screens... now look absolutely wonderful, just like on paper! Or... ALMOST like on paper, if you're a purist. Made some test PDFs to look at on my iPad Air, and the text is gorgeous.

So while my iPad, like other tablets, is basically useless for creating PDF e-books... it is FANTASTIC for viewing and reading ... particularly illustrated works. Same basic rule as print -- bring those images in at 300 ppi and you'll be OK when the user swipes to enlarge the image; holds up very well to about 400%.

For graphic artists, I guess this is a paradigm shift. A big deal. Because once you move away from print, over to electronically-consumed material ... it's hi-res screen time, RIGHT NOW. Even on this fall's new e-ink Kindles! And if you still have one of those 900-font Corel Draw CDs out in the garage... dust it off, and you're off to the races... any font you want, looking great on any and all of the new devices.