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  1. #131
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    When there are more than one user that require the updates, it makes the decision even a little harder. We have two people as primary users, so we have to get two upgrades - so now we've gone from $99 to $198 for the same upgraded features. Definitely makes you have to think about it that much more.

    I just have to keep in mind that the Adobe option (for complete, which would cover Photoshop and Illustrator + some) would be $50/month/user. I'd exhaust my $198 before the end of Summer. Granted, I'd get other programs (that I probably wouldn't use) and more features (that I don't know HOW to use), but it makes the money a bit more tolerable.

    Whose side am I on anyway?

  2. #132
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Dallas, TX

    Default Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    The fact that this board's announcement of program upgrades in previous years always went pages deep on the first day with many happy customers, and this announcement stayed at a page or two for almost a week, to get a lot of griping after that, speaks loads.

    I really hope Kate's statement that vector tools will be worked on in the coming year is followed through. With a 64 bit engine, and the memory space that goes with it, they are now in a position to really progress in that area if they chose to do so.


  3. #133
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Skopje, Macedonia

    Default Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    For a real professional use Xara has to have a CMYK support. But, it is still missing for some reasons (don't want or don't know how to do it). There is a new software on the market (from Serif) called Affinity Desingner, but for Apple OS https://affinity.serif.com/. It is CMYK application from the ground. I don't know what is Xara waiting for? They are going to be a REALLY serious competitor to Adobe products (Affinity Photo, Affinity Publisher), not Xara.

  4. #134
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by BONES View Post
    You can skip a version and the hit is only $40 but those of us who loyally support the company year after year are slugged $99 every time.
    you sure? currently I'm quoted 79 GBP for a 9 to 10 upgrade, and 119 GBP for an 8 to 10 upgrade - ok the 9 upgrade is special offer, but I don't see it being more than the 8 upgrade and maybe 99 GBP normal price

    Very few graphic designers don't work with photos and their are some significant new features for that stuff, things Photoshop doesn't do as well
    where are these - I can't find them, the new features that do better than photoshop that is

    Quote Originally Posted by Petar_MK View Post
    For a real professional use Xara has to have a CMYK support. But, it is still missing for some reasons (don't want or don't know how to do it). There is a new software on the market (from Serif) called Affinity Desingner, but for Apple OS https://affinity.serif.com/. It is CMYK application from the ground. I don't know what is Xara waiting for? They are going to be a REALLY serious competitor to Adobe products (Affinity Photo, Affinity Publisher), not Xara.
    that's an impressive looking launch site makes me sorta wish I had a mac to try out the beta - guess it's drawplus reinvented for the mac ... so that's that side of the market shut off like as not; not that xara were intending a mac version anyway...
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #135

    Talking Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by Petar_MK View Post
    Affinity Desingner
    Looks really nice, and seems that they know how to keep customers happy, fixing an SVG export bug the same day it is reported.

    Compare that to Xara. After two and a half years, there is still no fix for a showstopper SVG export bug.

    That the importance of SVG is not understood by Xara is puzzling to me. It is one of the technologies in place of dying Flash. SVG, while very powerful, isn't widely used yet. The reason is not browser support, which is excellent. The reason is lack of easy-to-use and affordable tools.

    On the other hand, Xara is investing in tools for offline creation of static web pages. In the age of Facebook, Tumblr, or Wix, that's a dying technology, and rightly so. If you have content in a CMS, it can be automatically adapted to changing browser technology. Already for years, when people ask me to help with their web site, I point them to online tools. In fact in 2010 I offered courses for creating simple functional web sites with Google Sites. My background: I'm a full stack web developer.

  6. #136
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by feklee View Post
    That the importance of SVG is not understood by Xara is puzzling to me. It is one of the technologies in place of dying Flash. SVG, while very powerful, isn't widely used yet. The reason is not browser support, which is excellent. The reason is lack of easy-to-use and affordable tools.
    you've answered your own question
    xara /magix are not driving market forces, they are driven by market forces
    If someone tried to make me dig my own grave I would say No.
    They're going to kill me anyway and I'd love to die the way I lived:
    Avoiding Manual Labour.

  7. #137
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by David O'Neil View Post
    Adding proper OpenType support would affect far more than 5% of your user base.

    Adding a gradient mesh would affect far more than 5% of your user base.

    I know you didn't mean to, but replies like that come very close to being dismissive of your users.

    Best wishes,
    Someone that wants proper Open Type Support. It's really necessary in this day and age! People that don't think so don't understand how fonts have changed over the last 10 years.

    And yes it effects every one. Especially 'fi' or even 'ti' ... man I hate having to do the edits myself and having to break shapes, just because Xara can't understand what Open Type is.

  8. #138
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    for those who dont get open type subs, this is a good article

    xdp should really support open type if it claims to be a design and dtp app
    but once again it comes down to market forces
    If someone tried to make me dig my own grave I would say No.
    They're going to kill me anyway and I'd love to die the way I lived:
    Avoiding Manual Labour.

  9. #139

    Default Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Frank View Post
    you've answered your own question
    xara /magix are not driving market forces, they are driven by market forces
    My point is: They're at least a decade behind. Demand is shifting quickly. SVG is on the rise, but if Xara doesn't have that on the roadmap, I don't think we're going to see good support until 2017: Judging from outside, a major update of the SVG engine is needed, and that could easily take a year or longer.

    The explanation for Xara's priorities is probably the takeover by Magix, a company whose business model is selling boxed products in Media Markt.

  10. #140
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Xara Designer Pro X10 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    you sure? currently I'm quoted 79 GBP for a 9 to 10 upgrade, and 119 GBP for an 8 to 10 upgrade - ok the 9 upgrade is special offer, but I don't see it being more than the 8 upgrade and maybe 99 GBP normal price
    I think he maybe talking about when Xara had a special offer last autum/winter to bring people from v7 or less up to v9. I'm not sure if it was as low as $40 but it was lower than the usual $99.




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