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  1. #1

    Default 1st post - Navigation bar only partly works...sometimes!

    Dear all,
    Many apologies if this is a real 'newbie' post but I've managed to put together most of a website, quite happily too I'd say! I came over from using Incomedia software and, well Xara is so much better!
    Only two things that I know I'm having problems with at present, I'm sure others will appear.

    The main one is my navigation bar - I've taken it from the widgets and it sometimes works fine. If I click on any hyperlink anywhere else in my page it seems as if the nav bar becomes 'live' and works. The page you are on his a different colour (nice touch Xara) and I can select other pages, however once I do this, the whole nav bar then stops working, the mouse doesnt do anything - doesnt turn into a wee hand and nothing on the nav bar can be selected. If I scroll down my page and hit a hyperlink to take me to a different page then suddenly it all works again.

    Any obvious things I've missed?
    Many thanks

    PS - my next question is where on earth I can find a simple 'put any html here' widget, rather than specific ones. In Incomedia you selected 'html' and then chose where on your page to put it, then you'd stick your code, any html code (from youtube clips to forms etc). I'm convinced I missed something here but if anyone doesn't mind a quick 'heres how to do that' or 'heres the obvious bit in the manual you missed' I'd really appreciate it.

    Do hope this is all ok.,
    Robert Howie

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: 1st post - Navigation bar only partly works...sometimes!

    Welcome to TalkGraphics Robert

    The first thing I would suggest you try is select the Nav Bar and from the Arrange menu select Bring to Front.

    If this does not work let us know and we'll try something else.

    There are several ways to insert HTML code. The most common is using what Xara calls a placeholder. A placeholder is usually a simple rectangle created with the Rectangle Tool. Select the rectangle then go to Website Properties > Placeholder and you can insert your HTML or code in the BODY or HEAD sections. When you preview or publish this inserts the code or script or widget into the HTML page document.

  3. #3

    Default Re: 1st post - Navigation bar only partly works...sometimes!

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Welcome to TalkGraphics Robert

    The first thing I would suggest you try is select the Nav Bar and from the Arrange menu select Bring to Front.

    If this does not work let us know and we'll try something else.

    There are several ways to insert HTML code. The most common is using what Xara calls a placeholder. A placeholder is usually a simple rectangle created with the Rectangle Tool. Select the rectangle then go to Website Properties > Placeholder and you can insert your HTML or code in the BODY or HEAD sections. When you preview or publish this inserts the code or script or widget into the HTML page document.

    Hi there,
    Thank you so much for replying. Yes, the nav bar is set to be in front on all pages.
    Will check out the html thing tomorrow - that's exactly what I was looking for. The placeholder name confused me.
    Thank you muchly

  4. #4

    Default Re: 1st post - Navigation bar only partly works...sometimes!

    Sorted it! Entirely my fault (as expected - I'd made my logo a clickable hotspot and it was overlapping with the Nav Bar which was causing problems.) Seems fixed now.
    Many apologies

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: 1st post - Navigation bar only partly works...sometimes!

    No need to apologize. Glad it's all sorted.




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