You are right that it falls over after a fairly small number of pages.
If it is failing for your 30-page document it is not an ongoing, viable solution.

I can suggest two alternatives.

The first is save your current document as PDF and add it as a Placeholder:
<iframe src="index_htm_files/Why the Long Page.pdf" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" name="xara_iframe" ><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>
This is a one-page solution where you use Acrobat's search capability.

The Placeholder code is simply a link to the PDF.
The PDF filename and path are found by dragging the PDF (as a Link) onto the apge and looking at its Placeholder code:

<a href="index_htm_files/Why the Long Page.pdf"><img src="" border="0"></a>
Once on the page and the detail copied it can be deleted.

I have added the source file here: Why the Long Page as PDF.web

The second is to create a file in XDPX9 from the of A4/US 1-Column template and save it as a WEB.
As you don't have this path, I have done this for you as: WTLP.web.

As far as I can tell, you can manipulate it in any way thereafter.
