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  1. #1

    Default Do I need 2 ECWID Shops?

    I am running a bi-lingual website, one in English and the other in French.

    I am almost there with my ecwid shop being linked to paypal but it will not let me go through to the payment part of paypal as it is not accepting my user and password from the shop, but I can log on with the same user and pass if it is not done through my shop.

    So I'm confused about that. Anyone with any ideas about that?

    So anyway, will I need 2 accounts with ECWID one in English and one in French?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bradford, England

    Default Re: Do I need 2 ECWID Shops?

    There is a translation option within ecwid which switches to the language currently set in the browser, so for instance if you set the language of the translation as english in your browser (default) then the ecwid shop will display as english even if you set the language as french translation in your ecwid control panel, as mentioned here in the ecwid forum http://www.ecwid.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3815 The way around this is to set the default languange within the control to french (in this case) and that overides the browsers language setting, which means that 'Yes' you will have to create two shops, one for each language, and also you will probably have to have two sites, one for each language.

    Edit - if you look at post #20 you will see a good solution which will also save you having to have two accounts, just requires more work than say something like opencart which can do this quite easily and keep things synchronised easily.
    Flawless Form. Faultless Function. Crafted by Cloud


  3. #3

    Default Re: Do I need 2 ECWID Shops?

    Thanks Sketch for the pointers they were very useful.

    I think I have managed to get around the shop format, but have had to compromise a little, but using your suggestion of bi-lingualising (possibly a made up word ) on my products I basically can tell people what is on sale and everybody has to pay in €'s but I think people will understand that paypal will except payments in £'s or €'s.

    I have asked a question how to translate the products in my shop as I have tried but have had no luck figuring it out.

    I tell you what this has been a huge learning curve for me the past month and has done me nut in at sometimes and just am so thankful for guys like you and Boy and the moderators lending a helping hand.

    Thanks et tous,





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