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  1. #1

    xdp6 Confused on new web publishing feature.

    I know one of the new features in X9 is the web publishing feature where you put page numbers and those with tablets can flip through the pages. I have an Android and went to the pages that were designed using this new feature but saw nothing but a website that I had to scroll down like any other except there was page numbers on the bottoms as I scrolled. In fact, I had to left and right scroll to see the full pages before scrolling down. What am I missing? How is this feature any better than just normal scrolling?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Confused on new web publishing feature.

    This topic should probably be moved to the Web design chat section.
    I know one of the new features in X9 is the web publishing feature where you put page numbers and those with tablets can flip through the pages.
    You mean like a 'flip-book' ? That's news to me.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Confused on new web publishing feature.

    I figured it belonged here since this is now a feature in XP9. The impression the new features article gave me is that there was some benefit to tablets by using web pages with page numbers. But when I viewed the pages, it was worse than a regular web page because I had to scroll left to right AND down. I am trying to figure out what benefit this new feature is and what I am missing.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Confused on new web publishing feature.

    DPX9 has all the features of the child apps (Web Designer, Photo & Graphic Designer, Page & Layout Designer).
    The pro version has exported websites since version 4.
    The web chat section is for Xara web related topics, not just the Web Designer application.

    The point of the DTP for the web feature introduced in version 9 is to allow devices to view DTP style publications as a continuous webpage rather than a PDF file which may need a special app installed.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Confused on new web publishing feature.

    ok, but the necessity to have to left and right scroll to see the page? I never have to left and right scroll to view a PDF on my tablet or Kindle too for that matter. If my choice is to have to left and right scroll AND scroll down to see pages, I will choose PDF in a heartbeat.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Confused on new web publishing feature.

    That depends on the device's browser default zoom view and screen size I should think.
    But yes, you may chose to use PDF instead if you wish.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Confused on new web publishing feature.


    The benefit is you can publish a multi-page print document to the web.

    And as I remember when I tested this feature, you can swipe to the next page instead of having to navigate using buttons. So you can scroll quickly up and down the document.

    On a desktop browser you can scroll though the document with a scroll mouse.

    I just previewed a web document with my Nexus 7 tablet. In portrait mode I had to resize the page but in landscape mode the page fit to the width. I would have to resize a website as well. I suspect that the page size has something to do with it as well.
    Last edited by gwpriester; 22 July 2013 at 02:21 PM. Reason: Further testing.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Confused on new web publishing feature.

    It does seem to me that the 'web document' format might have some real advantages for creating 'web books' with multimedia integration because of the potential of using placeholders to embed content from web services such as YouTube, ProfProfs, (Quizmaker) etc. Can you embed these in a PDF? (as opposed to linking). I am afraid I am not very familiar with what you can do with PDF other than create clickable/touchable links. If not then the Xara web document does seem to have some real advantages. I have authored a book in Apples iBooks Author (all graphics created in Xara Designer Pro) and it is an excellent program as it does allow a multimedia approach to authoring but the final product is limited to being played in iBooks but a Xara web book would largely be platform neutral. I am aware that epub (without Apples extensions) does also offer a pretty generic format and I was kind of hoping that Xara Designer Pro X9 would have a fixed layout ePub export but it wasn't to be. Maybe the Xara web document route offers a real alternative for mulitmedia books?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Confused on new web publishing feature.

    Gary, when you use the term swipe when speaking of tablets, I think of a side to side movement. When you say scroll, I assume up and down movement. I believe most that hear you can publish a document where you can swipe in tablets, they will assume the page view will be one page on the screen and you swipe left or right to get to the next page. Apparently this is not the case. I am just trying to see why this was considered a major new feature when all I see the program do is a typical web page that scrolls up and down but shows page numbers.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Confused on new web publishing feature.

    I tend to agree. But to create an app that you can advance from page to page by tapping is a major bit of work. I created three stereogram apps for the iPad and it was not an easy thing to do. The apps also display a different version of the page when the device is rotated. I created these in InDesign with Adobe's Digital Publishing Suite.




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