Well there is only one way you're going to get this to print and even then there're so many areas that are going to be out of gamut that it wouldn't be worth the trouble and that is to save it as a .tiff file. It is all the wood effects, the transparencies and the complex fills that cause the problem. These are all RGB effects and OK they can be rendered by the PDF export filter as a rasterized area but they overlay each other so many times. I am on the 2 tutorial, now 2/3 of the way through the drawing, the drawing size is huge, as I have used a 300 dpi, wood effect instead of Gary's 96 dpi that you get with the gallery as I don't think 96 is good enough. Have you got a reasonable bitmap editor? if you have, then export as a .tiff file and open it up and see how much is out of gamut as it may print if you correct Hue & Saturation that would be enough without going to the trouble of painting out the highlighted areas. Will keep trying to see if this works but it will be Monday before I get the chance to finish it.

The other thing that could resolve the problem is to make a vector wood grain pattern effect. They are a few Illustrator tutorials out there which you could use but you would need to be very accurate setting up your pattern so that it would look seemless when you applied it over an area.