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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Designing iOS style App icons

    Hi all,

    I'm sure that this will be covered somewhere but I can't find it ....

    Is there a tutorial for App Icons (eg for iOS)? I've found the excellent one for Gell Buttons:

    and this almost does what I'm after but not quite. Is there something more specific (including exporting to the right size etc)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Designing iOS style App icons

    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    There are quite a few already designed buttons in the Designs Gallery that you can modify as you wish.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Designing iOS style App icons

    Here is a link to Apple's documentation for creating icons and images for iOS. It provides the pixel sizes for each device and what the operating system will automatically add to the icon/image. http://developer.apple.com/library/i...onsImages.html

    If you include drop shadow, rounded corners, and shine effects to your icon/image it will be also added by iOS so the icons will not look the way you had hoped.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Designing iOS style App icons

    Really helpful to have the weblink, thank you. I didn't realise that iOS added the drop shadow and 'shine' ... humm helpful (or not)

    Using the existing buttons sort of 'gets the job done' but I'd be keen to see a 'start to finish' walkthrough with best practice eg naming colours and using shades of that so that different colour sets could be easily created. Also - the best way to save (export) to the appropriate file formats etc.

    I'd have thought that there would have been a LOT of chat here about this - it would seem (to me) that Xara would be the prefect tool for this. I'm very surprised that there isn't more on this .... but thanks for these tips


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Designing iOS style App icons

    For IOS, design the buttons as plain, without rounded edges and no gel effect. IOS will by default add the shine and round the corners. There is no special skill required - just make them the correct size.

    It is helpful for IOS to do the donkey work, because then we don't have a panel of icons that don't quite match in style. At least this way around the gel effect is uniform, as are the corners.

    As has been said, you can do the gel effect if you wish to, but it's not a sensible thing to do in this context.



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