I've just been hacking a XDP design into a content management system (Typo3) as HTML+CSS+JS which required a few changes before it was formatted satisfactory.
1. Export as web page - duh!
2. After copying the files to the server and replacing the paths in the HTML source I copied the code from inside the <body> tags into an HTML element in the CMS.
3. After experimenting with some inline styles I changed the generated code from:
<div class="xr_ap" id="xr_xr" style="width: 752px; height: 660px; top:0px; left:50%; margin-left: -376px;">
<div id="xr_xr" style="width: 752px; height: 660px; top:0px; left:20px; ">
The style "xr_ap" was causing my page to site outside of the container div so I removed it without any apparent detriment.
4. The generated code was causing the design to sit in the middle of the space between the left of my container div and the right of the browser window, hence causing the design to sit to the right of the container. To get around this I had to delve into the generated JS file to remove this piece of code: "xr_dx=(ww-parseInt(xr_xr.style.width))/2;"
5. Find a (CMS specific) way to add the script and link tags into the page header for the template for this section of the website.
Here is the result: http://holocaustmusic.ort.org/index.php?id=1536
If there are any experts out there who thinks these tweaks might cause problems down the road then speak up, otherwise, I hope this helps others incorporate Xara into their CMS workflow.