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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Kington, Herefordshire. I used to live on a boat on the English waterways

    Default Why doesn't MX premium remember my export folder?

    I have repeatedly exported an uploaded my site but each time I do so I have to navigate to the folder where the exported files are stored. I am sure that's not right. Shouldn't MX remember where I last exported to?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Why doesn't MX premium remember my export folder?

    You would think, wouldn't you?

    I'm not sure how hard this would be. Along with your publish information, it would be very helpful if WD would remember your publish folder.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Kington, Herefordshire. I used to live on a boat on the English waterways

    Default Re: Why doesn't MX premium remember my export folder?

    Careful experimentation shows that it will remember the export folder for the current session but not between sessions. This is a bit daft because uploading is the last thing that I do at the end of the session.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Why doesn't MX premium remember my export folder?

    Is there any application that remembers which folder a specific file was exported to the last time that particular file was worked on?
    Just asking because I can't think of one.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Kington, Herefordshire. I used to live on a boat on the English waterways

    Default Re: Why doesn't MX premium remember my export folder?

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Is there any application that remembers which folder a specific file was exported to the last time that particular file was worked on?
    Just asking because I can't think of one.
    Visual Vision's Easy Web Editor sort of does this. When you publish the site it creates the uploadable files and then uploads them. It remembers which pages have been uploaded because it only replublishes the altered ones. This is a site that I wtote using EWE some time ago. One advantage of EWE is that it produces pages that reflow the text as you alter the width of the browser window. It seems that WD MX cannot do this.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Why doesn't MX premium remember my export folder?

    Quote Originally Posted by Theo View Post
    Visual Vision's Easy Web Editor sort of does this. When you publish the site it creates the uploadable files and then uploads them. It remembers which pages have been uploaded because it only replublishes the altered ones.
    Xara Web Designer MX does exactly the same!

    See the Publish tab in Web Properties

    From the help file;
    Re-publish changed files only

    By default Web Designer MX Premium keeps track of the files that make up your published website and when you come to re-publish after making changes to your site, it attempts to re-publish only the files that have changed. This makes re-publishing much quicker in most cases.

    However Web Designer MX Premium does not know if you have deleted or modified files in your web space using another tool. Therefore if you have any problems whereby your published site does not match the locally exported copy of your site, you should arrange for the whole site to be re-published. To do this, turn off the Re-publish changed files only option at the bottom of the Publish tab. Then the next time you publish, every file making up the site will be published, making sure that your published site is up to date.
    Quote Originally Posted by Theo View Post
    One advantage of EWE is that it produces pages that reflow the text as you alter the width of the browser window.
    EWE is not a WYSIWYG Web designer application.
    Xara Web Designer is

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Kington, Herefordshire. I used to live on a boat on the English waterways

    Default Re: Why doesn't MX premium remember my export folder?

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Xara Web Designer MX does exactly the same!

    See the Publish tab in Web Properties

    From the help file;
    Yes, I do agree that you can opt to only upload changed pages but that does not alter the fact that WD MX does not remember the export folder.

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    EWE is not a WYSIWYG Web designer application.
    Xara Web Designer is
    The point that I was making here is that EWE makes pages with reflowable lines of text which reflow on the uploaded web site. EWE is completely WYSIWIG as far as I can say. You can also use the links from within the editor

    WD MX is absolutely WYSIWIG but does not allow you to follow links within the editor but is infinitely better at graphics handling in every respect. EWE can only produce graphically very simple pages. At least the version that I have does. Mind you this version is well pre XP though it will run on XP but not in Vista and subsequent OS's. If you want to see my site produced by EWE, go to www.sproxton.org.uk

    I am more than happy with my decision to use WD. It can produce far better sites than WEW and is much more flexible but there are thing (a very few) that I find more convenient in EWE. It might be little more than getting used to it though.

    Last edited by Theo; 15 April 2012 at 10:59 AM. Reason: speeling

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Kington, Herefordshire. I used to live on a boat on the English waterways

    Default Re: Why doesn't MX premium remember my export folder?

    Just one last thing.

    I decided to have a look at sites created with EWE. I fear that they all have the same "stamp" and look really old fashioned. No. I won't bother to upgrade my version of EWE.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Kington, Herefordshire. I used to live on a boat on the English waterways

    Default Re: Why doesn't MX premium remember my export folder?

    You know I said that you can follow EWE in the editor.

    You can with WD MX Premium too. Click onthe link. The popup appears and then you can clikc on the page name to go to it.



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Why doesn't MX premium remember my export folder?

    WD7 remembered the location where the file of a project were in between sessions. This seems to be lost in the MX version. Also I now have a problem with, notwithstanding I checked the re-publish flag, the MX version is still uploading all files changed or not.




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