For many people here on TG, tablets are an irrelevance - they aren't fast, they don't do everything your Mac or PC does, they don't have a mouse, DVD drive or a proper keyboard. Just what is the point with these gizmos - aren't they just toys?

We all know how great Xara has been - the master of vector graphics, known only to the few, now known by many and the jack of all trades. Yet, strangely some of us have been trying to shine a light on an organic wishy washy workflow that doesn't focus on point pushing - we just don't need that either, right?

Well, I came across a tiny program, that seems to encapsulate both of these. It doesn't try and do everything. It just wants to do something exceptionally well. It doesn't have a massive feature set but what it does do? Well wow!

Decide for yourself if the tablet revolution and organic workflows are just a waste of time.

Even the promo video is stunning.
