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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Chiswick, England

    Default Why is xara continuing to publish 'old' files even tho i've exported newer ones?

    Think this is what's happening. I've updated various pages, exported them and published them. But my website is not showing the newer versions, just displaying the old ones. I've gone to website and right clicked properities, its definitely been mod/changed on correct day [it doens't give the time].

    I've got vaious .wd and index_htm_files directories and gathered them all into one directory and left the xara website file in a folder of its own and made a new export folder for the new files, then export/publish but still no joy.

    How do i get xara to use the latest export files to publish to the website, plse
    Tx for any advice/help - my hair is more than a whiter shade of pale now!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Why is xara continuing to publish 'old' files even tho i've exported newer ones?

    Jillie are you saying that the web site is showing as the pre changed version when you view it online? If so it could just be a matter of clicking the web browsers refresh button two or three times as you may be viewing the cached version of your site. On some occasions I have had to refresh up to four times before the cache clears and loads the new site view.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Why is xara continuing to publish 'old' files even tho i've exported newer ones?

    Ctrl and F5 together - hard refresh - while viewing your web page online, see if that shows new export as it will force the browser to refresh.

    Alternatively have you tried viewing / deleting the contents of the folder on the server or even recreating the folder?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Chiswick, England

    Default Re: Why is xara continuing to publish 'old' files even tho i've exported newer ones?

    Quote Originally Posted by Megg81 View Post
    Ctrl and F5 together - hard refresh - while viewing your web page online, see if that shows new export as it will force the browser to refresh.
    no still old files and same if i re-boot system

    Quote Originally Posted by Megg81 View Post
    Alternatively have you tried viewing / deleting the contents of the folder on the server or even recreating the folder?
    trouble is i've done this so many times - i thought the widgets i was working with were the problem, i'm not very sure which are the 'good' old files and i've never been brave enough to delete/recreate files on the server i wouldn't have a clue where to begin - i'm a real green horn as you will have gathered!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Why is xara continuing to publish 'old' files even tho i've exported newer ones?

    Hi Jillie

    Did you switch from index.html to index.htm ? That can sometimes cause this. Also your ISP uses a cache in the same way as your browser.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Chiswick, England

    Default Re: Why is xara continuing to publish 'old' files even tho i've exported newer ones?

    I haven't consciously changed anything - the files seem to have loaded the first time ion 23rd March but i don't think its loaded since then. The properties of the last index file i exported say
    Type of file HTML (.htm) and
    in the folder listing all the files thhey're all labelled as HTML.

    Don't know/understand about the ISP cache - I'm not that techie. But i've tried via other pcs and shut down my own - would htat make any difference to the ISP Cache?

    The prob has been gooing on for about a week i think - i don't really know as i thought the problem stemmed from the 'invisible stat' widget i was using and was working on that, but then realised that updated/exported files not being published would explain whats been going on better.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Why is xara continuing to publish 'old' files even tho i've exported newer ones?

    Can you log into your control panel on your hosting package to view the contents of your folder? You should see in there that the items are dated referring to when they were uploaded. If all the items have todays date and you still have the same problem then Im guessing that xara is exporting items which you no longer need (so I guess that means they're sitting somewhere in your project still). If they're dated older then they're not from today's publish.

    If you don't feel comfortable deleting your folder and starting over why not try publishing to a new folder as a test and see if that shows your most up to date version of the site, e.g. if your site is www[dot]mywebsite[dot]com/apples then create a new empty folder on the server named 'pears' (or whatever!) and publish here - so you'd view at www[dot]mywebsite[dot]com/pears instead. That way you're starting over with a folder which you know is empty and you know can be deleted right after. Might be worth a try in helping to narrow down what's causing it.

    Just check that you're exporting to the right folder too - that you haven't misspelled the folder name on publish. Like I put an "s" accidentally on the end of a folder name a few months back and spent hours wondering why it hadn't updated (doh!)
    Last edited by Megg81; 31 March 2012 at 10:12 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Why is xara continuing to publish 'old' files even tho i've exported newer ones?

    As dwryd points out, it is very easy to have an index.htm and index.html file in your root directory. If this happens, the index.html file will always display.

    When you save your site prior to publishing, if you do not add an extension to the index file name, Xara automatically names the site index.htm.

    Go to your site and then add index.htm (www.yoursite.com/index.htm) and see if you see your new files. If so then this is the problem.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Why is xara continuing to publish 'old' files even tho i've exported newer ones?

    Jillie what is the url for your site?
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Chiswick, England

    Default Re: Why is xara continuing to publish 'old' files even tho i've exported newer ones?

    www.hguh.co.uk - i've not knowingly changed any file names/roots/extensions - wouldn't dare!! Tx for your help



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