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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default The March 2012 Tutorial Discussion

    Well, after dealing with a rogue plug-in to the website, the March tutorial is finally up on The Xara Xone, and our guest tutorial from iamtheblues is in the Tips and Tricks section, and it's a goodie.

    Oh, and I created a color palette as this month's Giveaway. Real easy to install, a nice collection, I feel.

    I created the video on how to approach the building of a commercial logo because there had been some requests for such on tg.

    Q and As can be posted here, and one thing I didn't mention in the tutorial is the use of color. You'll notice that I treated the example logos as though they're black and white, for a good reason. A good logo, one you can sell for a decent fee, has to work in a variety of different situations, and one of them is signage. You design a logo that can stand on its own using only one color, two at tops, and you've created something that can be engraved, printed in a black and white document, painted quickly on a sign, you name it. You can fancy it up with colors, but usually, you don't depend on colors to be the gist of a logo.

    It's the design, the geometry, and how cleverly you can express a visual idea that a company can own in only a few pen strokes.

    > > > KwikLink™ to the Tutorial < < <

    My Best,

    Last edited by Gare; 15 March 2012 at 09:34 PM. Reason: added links and typo




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