In case you have not seen the post in challenges community project I am attempting to get as many of you as possible to contribute your ideas on making an animated kaleidoscope using only Xara programs. While I have been at work on this for awhile, I am not looking for someone to do it for me I am looking for ideas though on how we could accompolish this goal I have found some good examples showing what the ultimate goal is but I will not post the examples for fear of copywrite infrigment. I did post some url's in the challenge thread though. Any and all are welcome to and hopefully will contribute. Preferably with an example of your own and brief description on how you did what you did so that we may all decide if it meets the goal or not so that we may all learn. I feel thit in this way we can all take pride in ownership of the final result. I know it is a difficult project but the real goal is for as many of us as possible to pull together and get excited or at least interested in doing this. This, as it happens is simply the project I have chosen.